Fox Dresses Up As Angel (Dare)

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Angel: Hello Everyone! Today we have new dare! requested by.....Tiger *claps for tiger*

The Crowd: *Cheers and Claps*

Fox: What's the dare dear?

Angel: *reads flash cards* You have to dress up as me

Fox: *eyes widen and glares at Tiger* REALLY TIGER?! WHAT KIND OF DARE IS THAT?!

Tiger: *scoffs*

Angel: *hands fox her copy dress clothes* Here you go dear *winks at fox*

Fox: (huffs with a smile and grabs the clothes as he heads to the back stage*

Ness: *ready to record on his cellphone*

Angel: (put that phone away Ness before it's mine)

Ness: (Aww...) *puts away his phone*

~4 Minutes Later...

Fox: *walks into the stage wearing Angel's clothes*

Everyone except Angel: *laughs*

Fox: *Embarrassed as he blushes* (Tiger!! you are so going to get it after this!)

Angel: *looks at everyone laughing at him with a concerned look on her face*.....*gets up and hugs Fox* It's ok can go back and change now, I'll make sure everyone what they saw *smiles at fox and kisses him gently*

Fox: Thank You dear, i love you *smiles back and kisses her*

Angel: *breaks the kiss* Now go and change*

Fox: *nods and changes*

Angel: *looks at Tiger and makes him forget the image of fox with her clothes on*

Tiger: *eyes wide open* @_@ Or (O_O)

Angel: *does the same to everyone*

Fox: *comes back and sits down*

Angel: Done *sits back down* Thank you all for coming! please join us again next time! *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Ness: What just happen?

Cody: Can't remember what happened? *touches head*

Thank you all for reading! please leave your dare on the comments below! :)

and like always,





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