Interviewing Shulk (contains badwords and other bad stuff...sort of)

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Angel: Hello Everyone, today imma be interviewing a new brawl guest from the new ssb4, Which is.........Shulk! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers and Claps*

Ness+TL+Fox: *claps*

Cody: *makes a mad face as he crosses his arms* >:(

Shulk: *walks into the stage and sits next to Angel*

Angel: Hello Shulk, welcome to the show *smiles*

Shulk: Hey Princess *smiles back and turns to look at Cody* Well well, if it isn't the Girlfriend Taker! *growls*

Cody: Well if it isn't the loser who got dumped by his ex girlfriend! *glares*

Angel: AHEM!

Cody+Shulk: *turn to look*

Angel: That is enough! *looks at shulk*.........Shulk? may i ask you a few questions?

Shulk: Sure can Princess *winks*

Fox: Hey! don't be winking at my girlfriend you bastard!

Shulk: Oh So-rry!....i didn't know she was taken

Angel:  Ok Shulk now you know....shulk? may i ask you a few questions?

Shulk: Yes

Angel: Ok *clears throat* 1st question, How do you feel being confirmed in ssb4?

Shulk: Awesome! i get to kick butt in the game *tights his fists together in good anger*

Cody: (he better stay away from my Lucina)

Angel: (i herd that Cody) ok 2nd question, Who do you like?

Shulk: Lucina

Cody: *growls* she's taken!

Shulk: Not for long! *tackles Cody down to the floor*

Cody+Shulk: *start to fight*

Angel: *gasp*!

Ness+TL: *cheering* woo-hoo!! yeah!!

Fox: *stands up and separates them both* Enough! you to!

Angel: *uses her new power* *controls shulks's body with her mind and sits him back down*

Cody: *held back by fox* Ok ok fox, you can let me go now

Fox: Alright but you promise not to fight him again *lets Cody go*

Cody: *dusting himself off as he sits back on his chair* Yeah yeah i promise

Angel: Thank you my dear *winks at fox sweetly*

Fox: Aww your welcome babe *blushes* ;3

Angel: Ok 3rd question....Who is your best friend from Melee?

Shulk: I consider Roy as my best friend

Ness: That explains why Roy would flirt with Angel last time -_-

Fox: *growls*

TL: Roy is bad influence for you Shulk

Shulk: Na i don't think he is *taking a peek on Angel's Legs*

Angel: *slaps him across the face* What is wrong with you?! you perv!!

Fox: *turns to look at Angel* What?! what did he do to you?! *starting to glare at shulk*

Angel: Uhm...i'll tell you after the interview ok Fox? i really want to interview brawler

Fox: *glares evilly at shulk* You better not be checking her out Shulk! if i catch you looking at her like that I'll beat the crap out of you with my furry hands!

Shulk: *puts his hands in surrender* Ok ok! geez...can we get on with my interview?

Angel: *huffs*......Yes....*reads next question* ok last question, What is your favorite color?

Shulk: Red *smiles*

Angel: ok well, thank you shulk for coming i hope you-

Cody: Don't come back!

Shulk: I will come back!...for-

Angel: No your not! stay away from me! i thought you liked Lucina!

Shulk: I kind if do i'm starting to like you

Fox: *growls angrily and tackles shulk to the floor*

Angel: Why does everyone like me?!...-_- *trying to separate them both*

Camera Guy: *turns off the camera*

......Yeeeaaaaahhhh.......Shulk is beginning to like Angel, even though he doesn't care if she's taken by Fox. Please tell me who should Angel interview next :)

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