Interviewing Roll & Bass (Requested)

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Angel: Hello Everyone! welcome back to the show! i will be interviewing a requested guest by @OmegaZero456, which is.....Roll & Bass! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers & Claps*

Ness+TL+Fox+Cody+Samus: *Claps*

Roll+Bass: *Walk into the stage holding hands*

Angel: Hey Roll! hey Bass how are you to doing? *smiles*

Roll+Bass: *sit next to angel*

Roll: Hi Angel! it's good to see you again *squeals and hugs angel*

Angel: I know, long time no seen eh? *hugs back*

Roll: *breaks the hug* Sooo?.....Angel?

Angel: Yes?

Roll: Did you...........really brake up with my brother? Megaman?

Angel: W-well......i.......*huffs*'s true *concerned look*

Roll: *Gasp*!...Why is that?! did he cheated on you or something?!

Angel: No i-.......i broke up with him actually

Roll: B-but why?! to were a great couple together

Fox: *crosses his arms and makes a serious look on his* Sorry to interrupt but I'm Angel's new mate now, were both married 

Roll: *looks at fox* YOU?! *looks at him up and down*........Angel?........are you really married to this guy?!

Angel: Roll, he loves me and i love him.......i had always had a crush on him ever since i was young, and yes i am married to Fox McCloud

Roll: Oh......well.......i hope your happy with him Angel

Fox: She is, we have a baby together

Roll: WHAT?!

Bass: Babe calm down *trying to calm roll down*

Camera Guy: Angel? the interview?

Angel: Ah, yes sorry, *clears throat* Roll?...Bass?....may i ask you too a few questions?

Roll: Sure! that's why were here for right?

Angel: *nods* Ok!.....1st question.....What was your reaction when you found out that your brother, Megaman was announced on the new ssb4?

Roll: I was sooo happy for him! i am glad they finally add him in! i new Sakurai wouldn't let the fans down :D

Angel: I see, i am glad hes is in

Fox: *coffs coffs and clears throat*....

Angel: *looks at fox* Oh sorry dear *blushes* O//O'

Fox: *holds her hand tightly to his and smiles*

Angel: Ok next question......Do you like being Megaman's brother?

Roll: Of course! i love Rock so much!

Ness: ?..........who's rock?

Roll: Megaman's Nickname, me and my dad call him that

Cody: Who's your dad?

Roll: Dr. Light, Angel knows him, right Angel?

Angel: *nods*

Fox: *sigh* (Everyone except me has a father....U_U)

Angel: (That's not true dear, remember my father past away as well, that makes you and me without a father...) *hugs fox*

Fox: *hugs her back* I love you

Angel: I love you too *reads flashcards* ok last question, Are you and Bass dating?

Roll: Yes we are! <3 *kisses bass on the cheek*

Bass: *blushes and kisses her back*

The Crowd: Awww....

Angel: How *sniffs* cute!.......Well! thanks for coming Roll! I'll go visit you sometime ok? :)

Roll: Ok! *smiles back*

Angel: Now for Bass, you ready?

Bass: *nods*

Angel: Ok! 1st question, Do you love Roll?

Bass: Yes i do, i would love her until the world ends *smiles and blushes*

Roll: Aww Bass! *hugs him*

Angel: Awww that's so sweet of you, *clears throat* ok next question, What are your powers?

Bass: My powers are Bass Buster , Variable Weapon System, and the Treble Boost

Angel: Sweet, next question.......What are your weaknesses?

Bass: That would be the Super Adapter, Noise Crush, and the Astro Crush

Angel: Astro......Ok! last question!......What is your Japanese name?

Bass: Forte

TL: Oooo ^o^ sounds legit

Bass: Thanks

Angel: Well bass, it was nice having you and Roll here! i hope to see you too soon!

Roll+Bass: No problem! *waves and both leave while holding there hands together*

Roll: Oh! and one more thing Angel........Megaman says Hi *smiles*

Fox: *growls* I'm going to beat him so bad after this!

Angel: Dear?.......please we already been through with this already

Fox: But Angel i can't stand people flirting with you and stuff! you know how i act when they do that to you

Angel: Fox, will discuss this at home ok dear?

Fox: Yes dear

Angel: That's more like it *looks at the camera* Thank you all for coming! up next is the dares!

Ness+TL: *scream and hide behind there chairs*

Cody: *laughs*

Everyone: *waves*

Angel: Nessy, Toony, sit back down on your chairs please

Ness+TL: *sit back down*

Thank you all for reading! up next are the dares! and like always!





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