Interviewing Ness

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Angel: Hello everyone! and welcome back to the show! we have a SPECIAL guest that would be staying here with me!....Which is......Ness! *claps*

Ness: *walks inside the stage as he waves at the crowd with a smile*

Angel: Hey ness! i'm glad you could come! *embraces for a hug*

Ness: *hugs angel* Thanks for inviting me Angel

Angel: *breaks the hug* Your welcome ness *smiles*

Ness: *sits next to angel* So imma be staying here with you *tries not to blush*

Angel: it ok with you? *smiles sweetly*

Ness: Sure thing! *blushes*

Angel: Ok, but first, may i ask you a few questions?

Ness: Go right head *smiles*

Angel: Ok, 1st question, what do you like from brawl?

Ness: I would say almost everything

Angel: Ok, 2nd question....who do you least like from brawl?

Ness: That would be Wario

Angel: And i'm guessing because he bullies Lucas all the time

Ness: Yes, and he never leaves Lucas & i alone!

Angel: Don't worry, i'll take good care of him once i'm threw almost threw all the SSBB characters *smiles*

Ness: Thanks, and i'll be glad to help

Angel: *laughs* thanks, and next question...How old are you?

Ness: I'm 13 *smiles*

Angel: Waaayyy older than you...sort of, i beat you with 3 or 4 years

Ness: No fair -_-

Angel: *laughs* don't worry, *clears throat* 4th question, Who is the love of your life?

Ness: *blushes* i umm.....can i skip that question? *scratches in back of his head*

Angel: *laughs* sure, ok last question...What is your-

???:*Burst into the stage and kidnaps angel* YOUR MINE!!!

Ness: *gasp* ANGEL!!!

Wow!! who do you think kidnapped Angel??? Please Let me know on the comments!! 

~You May guess~ :)


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