Interviewing Link

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Angel: Hello everyone! and welcome back to the show! we have a new guest which is Link!

Come on in link!

Link: *Walks inside the stage and sits next to angel* Hello, good evening Princess Angel *smiles*

Angel: Oh..Hello link *shakes hands with link* Good to see you here!

Link: *nods*

Angel: So! let's get this show started!...*clears throat*....Link, may i ask you a few questions?

Link: You may Princess

Angel: You can just call me Angel? *laughs*

Link: Already then...*still smiling*

Angel: Ok, 1st question...What do you like about brawl?

Link: *thinks* there is lots of things i like from brawl...

Angel: Like what?

Link: The food and the weapons they have on the amo room

Angel: *laughs* sounds cool! ....2nd question...Are you planning to get married with Princess Zelda some day?

Link: *blushes has he's breaking a sweat*....I umm...maybe?...*clears throat* i would like to skip that question please...

Angel: Ok....umm next question...Do you like clones?

Link: I've say why not?...they seem pretty cool actually *Shrugs*

Angel: don't mind toon link around you then?

Link: Sometimes.....

Angel: Ok, next question...How many times have you fighting against your worst enemy?

Link: I would say lots of times with ganondorf...

Angel: Interesting....The last question.......Do you get annoied by navy on your quests?

Link: -_- .......To be honest......Yes! she never shut's up! there are times that i can't stand her! i sometimes  i want to squish her like a bug...and......*Clears throat*......sometimes....she's pretty helpful on my quests and journeys....

Angel: Ok then...well thank you link for coming! and i hope to see you again! *looks back at the crowd* Well everybody! that's all the time we have left! see you all next time! *waves at the crowd*

Link: *waves at his fans and smiles*

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