Interviewing Star (Requested/Again)

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Angel: Hello Everyone! welcome back to the show! today i have been requested to interview an OC again which is.....Star! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers & Claps

Ness+TL+Cody+Fox+Tiger+Samus: *claps*

Star: *walks into the stage and sits next to ness*

Ness: Hello Star

Star: Hey Ness! :)

Angel: Hello Star, nice to see you again *smiles* now, since the last time i interviewed you we've been inter upped-ted by someone so rude (waluigi)

Star: -_- i know, let's not hope he doesn't do that again or i'll use my sword on him

Angel: I hope so, now *clears throat* 1st did you receive your powers?

Star:  The fisrt thing i saw were the stars

Ness: haha, funny how your name is star and your given is sta-

Cody: *elbows ness* Shhh!

Ness: -_-

Angel: Anyways! question....Why do you feel shy around Steve?

Ness: :3

Star: I-i uh...*breaks a sweat* Well i-

Ness: She li-

TL: *covers ness's mouth*

Ness: -.-

Angel: (I know why) if you don't want to answer, that's ok *smiles* next question.....How did you feel when Max kissed you at the end of the Games of Fire?

Star: *slightly blushes* W-well i um....felt umm....*shakes head* Can i skip that question please?

Angel: *nods* last question, Why is Sven your worst nightmare?

Star: Becuase Sven carved a knife on my chest to take away my powers while i was awake *gulps* O_O'

Ness: *paled* O_________O

Angel: Oh my, i hope you don't get those awful nightmare anymore, I'll make sure you don't get them anymore *concerned look*

Star: Thanks....

Angel: Well Star! thanks for coming!

Star: Your welcome Angel! *waves and leaves*

Thank you all for reading! up next is Faith! Angel's Daughter! :D

and like always,




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