Interviewing Pokemon Trainer

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Angel: Hello everyone! welcome to the show! today i will be interviewing another brawl character....which is Pokemon Trainer! *claps*

The Crowd: *Claps and Cheers*

Ness+Fox: *Claps*

Pokemon Trainer: *walks into the stage as he waves at the crowd and at the camera*

Angel: Hello Pokemon Trainer! welcome to the show

Pokemon Trainer: *sits next to angel* Please, call me Red *smiles*

Angel: Ok............. Red?...may i ask you a few questions?

Red: Sure!

Angel: Already then, 1st question, How do you feel being left out on the new ssb4?

Red: Well.......since i can't be in ssb4, im glad charizard could be in it *smiles*

Angel: So you don't want to be on the new ssb4?

Red: I do but i got other things to do

Angel: Oh ok, i see.....2nd question, How did you fainted that quick when the giant robot rhino got you and Lucas?

Red: Well...... i'm actually afraid of heights O_O......

Angel: That's ok, its is fine to be afraid of something. And don't worry, i won't judge you ^_^

Red: Thanks Angel *smiles*

Angel: Anytime my friend, now moving on to the next question, What is like being a pokemon trainer?

Red: It's a lot of training i would say 1_1' ......but at the same is really awesome to getting to discover new Pokémon

Angel: I see, well *clears throat* last question....Do you like anybody?

Red: To be honest.......not really

Angel: Really well-

Red: Until now....

Fox: *Eyes widen and glares at red* What is that supposed to mean?!

Red: Woah..calm down fox, i was just going to say that until now, i do like someone...

Fox: Then why didn't you say you did and who is it?!

Red: Because and i won't tell U_U.....

Ness: GUYS! enough already! please let angel finish!

Angel: Thank you ness *clears throat* Thank you red for coming, i hope to see you again next time ^_^

Red: Your welcome

Ness: Thank you all for coming! please join us again, next time! *waves at the crowd and at camera*

Angel+Fox+Red: *waves at the crowd and at the camera*

Thank you all for reading! and like always




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