Interviewing Wii Fit Trainer

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Angel: Hello Everyone! welcome back to our show! imma be interviewing a new guest from ssb4 which is......Wii Fit Trainer! *claps*

The Crowd: *cheers and claps*

Ness+TL+Cody+Fox+Samus: *claps*

Wii Fit Trainer: *walks into the stage as she waves her hand to the crowd*

Angel: Hello wii fit trainer! welcome to our show

Wii Fit Trainer: *sits next to angel* Good evening Miss Angel, and thank you for inviting me over

Angel: Your welcome *clears throat* is it ok if i ask you a few questions?

Wii Fit Trainer: Sure! why not?

Angel: Ok! 1st question.....How do you feel being in the new ssb4?

Wii Fit Trainer: It feels fantastic! i am glad i fitted in on the roster

Angel: I know!....2nd question.....Who do you think who should start working out?

Wii Fit Trainer: Kirby,Bowser,Wario,King Dedede ect. (all the brawlers that are fat)

Angel: They really do need it, for there health and for there own good

Wii Fit Trainer: Indeed

Angel: Ok, 3rd question....who do you like?

Wii Fit Trainer: Villager

Angel: Ok, 4th question...why do you like working out?

Wii Fit Trainer: To stay in shape, you should go to my Yoga classes starting Next weekend *smiles*

Angel: I will, thank you *Winks at Fox*

Fox: *blushes* I-i should start working out as well *smiles attractively at Angel*

Angel: *blushes real red* (can't wait to see him work out :3 ).... *looks back at wii fit trainer* Ok! last question....Do you like wii fit man as your parter?

Wii Fit Trainer: It Depends

Angel: Oh ok well, thanks for coming over wii fit trainer! i hope to see you next time

Wii Fit Trainer: *gives a thumbs up at everyone and leaves*

Ness: Join us again next time! *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Ness: *whispers in Angel's ear* You ready to kick Porky's butt with me?

Angel: Ready as i'll ever be *smirks evilly and pops her knuckles*

Ness: :3

Thank you all for reading! don't forget to comment,follow,rate and share! :D


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