Chapter 25

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Zayn's P.O.V.

This is going to be a very long night. Considering all this drama and stuff, plus how stubborn Dani can be. I think Niall won't give up until Dani has forgiven all of us. What else is new? Obviously Niall won't let us go to bed until Dani is all happy and smilley. Such young love for these two. For Niall that is, if that is my correction.

I support Niall and his love life but come on! It's like Dani doesn't even care what we do for her. She's stuborn and really sensitive, not the best mix but for Niall it is. But Niall is my best mate and all mates have to do sacrifices for them. This will be my number one priority for now. 

"What do we do now?"

"Do. Not. Know." Louis blurted out. Wow that's a first for the Tommo. It's unusual to see Louis with now plan or idea on him. This was no regular day at all.

"I hate thinking!" Kasie sighed. How normal of her.

"Well you're not the only one..." Harry yawned. Okay it's like 8:56 at night and Harry is tired. That is so not normal at all!

"I think something is not normal!"

"Why?" Justin said, giving me a sappy look. This is no regular day at all.

"Well to start with, Louis doesn't have an idea and he's usually full of them. Second, Harry is tired and it's not even midnight. Third why am I not tired, cause I'm always tired by this time of day. And last Dani is usually happy and peppy everyday, but today, she's like cranky and all easy to piss off. What happened to most of us?" I said, in a long speech form. Wow that is really not me today.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Zayn here. It's pretty unusual for Dani, but for us it's fine. Maybe she has a problem with herself that's why she's so insecure lately." Liam said, standing next to me. Then I noticed Niall was looking really furious at what Liam said.

"Shut up! She hasn't done anything wrong! She doesn't have a problem! Maybe you guys just have a problem and you guys just want to blame it all on her! She doesn't deserve to be said insecure, stuborn and sensitive! Even if she is all of those, she's perfect in my eyes! Don't judge her because she's like that, judge people after you know what happened. No one deserves to be judged cause everyone has their own way of expressing their feelings! Let her be herself and just don't mess with her personality! I don't care if she doesn't forgive me, I just want her to be happy again!" Niall shouted on the top of his lungs. I didn't mean to cause him so much emotion. I've made this day more difficult more than it is.

"Nialler I'm sorry! We didn't mean to say that!" 

He walked away and ran to his room. Tears were dripping every second, and each one hurts us every single one. We didn't mean to say that but it's kinda true but we shouldn't have said that out loud. And we know Niall is really sensitive when it comes to Dani. But we can't just mock Dani in front of Niall like that. 

This is the second wrong thing we've done all day. First Dani now Niall, what else could we mess up? Maybe we should just learn to keep our mouth shut from now and forever. Just keep all those thoughts to ourselves so no one would be affected.

Dani's P.O.V.

I sat on bed thinking of how pissed I am and what they tried to do. Ws that an apology or another 'how to piss me off more'? They're just so crazy, doing that kinda thing won't solve how pissed off I am right now.


What was that?

Where did it come from?

What in the world even happened?

I'm gonna find out. Time to get out of bed and start my own little adventure. Maybe my curiosity may get the best of me sometimes, alright always. But it really makes a day very fun and productive. Solving this mystery like Scooby Doo! Yes, I watch Scooby Doo! 

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