Chapter 9

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Dani's P.O.V.

      I don't want to wake up cause today I have to leave for the tour. It's not yet even time to leave, so leave me alone.

Why do I have this weird feeling?

Is something hugging me or what?

If yes, then who could it be?

Hmmm..... please don't let it be Harry.  

Why can't he leave me alone?

He has a girl friend for the love of humanity. Such a man whore. I thought he had moved on.

Does he still like me?

Ughh... whatever, he needs to move on. I don't like anyone or have a crush on anyone. For now and till I'm old enough, I will not have a boyfriend or even a crush. It sounds stupid I know, but still it's a commitement.

      It's time to wake up and start my day with trouble. Still wishing I'm not being hugged by Harry. Well it's now or never to find out who's hugging me. 

"Get off of me!!!!" I groaned. Then they finally let go. Actually all of them were giving me a big bear hug while sleeping. Such douche bags.

"Well we were going to say good morning beautiful, but I guess it's wrong timing." Louis chuckled. I gave them all a glare, cause everyone knows I'm cranky during early mornings.

"Shut up!"

"Come on it's 6:30 in the morning. We only got like 4 hours and 30 minutes left before you leave." Niall jumped on the bed and kept persisting. This boys are really getting annoying .

"Fine..." I grunted

"Get up lazy pants" Niall chuckled. Why does he have an effect on me.

"Carry me..." I reached up and he carried me downstairs. At least he did it.

"Here let's dig in." Niall passed me a plate of pancakes. How unusual of him. Usually he doesn't share but he did make an effort of doing so.


"What's wrong?" He looked genuinely concerned. That's sweet of him.

"You're acting weird today." I blurted out. Well, let's just see what he'll say.

"So what's wrong with that?" He looked puzzled.

"1. Usually you're to lazy to carry anyone. 2. You never share food with no one. So what's the hell wrong with you?!!" I shouted while shaking him.

"'s just complicated." He blushed and I chuckled at the priceless look. "Stop laughing it's not funny. Ughh... whatever just eat." He smirked and formed a small smile.

"Alright I promise." I finished of my pancakes and put the plate into the sink. "Are ya done yet?"

"Yeah!!!!" Loud voices shouted. Oh crap they just made my mood, from happy to wanna tear their heads off.

"Did you hear anything, Niall?" I lied.

"Oh gosh is she playing the invisible-ghost-treatment game now." Louis squealed. It's a game where we ignore each other. We only play it when we all pissed off from each other.

"Hey Niall I'm just gonna pack my stuff. And get ready for the flight." I ran upstairs to fix my gadgets and pack them up. At least I didn't unpack yesterday or else it would be catastrophy.

       I don't necessarily hate them but they just really piss me off. They're super duper annoying but they mean well in a boyish way. I only have 2 hours before Jasmine, my manager, picks me up. For the meanwhile it's the best for me. 

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