Chapter 48

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Harry's P.O.V.

"So why didn't you come over?" Dad asked. I didn't expect for him to ask. 

"Uh...because..." I said, got to think of a reason. Maybe I should just tell the truth, they'll understand or ground me for saying it. "Because you all of you were enjoying yourselves without me. Starting the movie without me is like being left out. Plus, you didn't notice me, no one did. I feel like a left out. A no good piece of sh-" Mum put her hand on my mouth, stopping me from saying shit. What happened to mum?

"Don't say that about yourself. Look, we didn't here you coming because of the volume. And you're not left out, we love you both, you and Gemma, equally. Nothing would change that." Mum gave me and Gemma a kiss on the forehead. I miss this mum, not the creepy one who scares me.

"Thanks." I whisper.

"Come on! The movie!" Gemma shouted. We all laugh, and face the screen. I really like how cute that baby penguin is. The penguin can't sing, but he has a taste for music. 

Movie is done. I don't know what we're going to do next, or I just forgot. Whatever it is, I'm bound to know soon. But I still have a weird feeling that its a family meeting. Hmm...maybe, maybe not.

"Family meeting!" Dad shouted. Making us round up on the table. I was meeting. I'm so dead if they keep asking why I'm like this. My attitude has something to do with not them.

"What are we going to talk about?" Gemma asked.

"Family matters duh." I answered her.

"I know that Haz, but what specific kind of matter?" Gemma added.

"Everything. From family, school, work and personal life." Dad answered. What does he mean by 'personal life'? If he's going deep then I'm going to kill them for asking. 

"Gemma, you start. Pick a topic." Mum asked Gemma. Oh god...

"I choose work. Dad!" Gemma shouted at Dad.

"Well we're really busy and oh yeah, everyone says hi and Merry Christmas too." Dad said. That's short story.

"Cool, now you mum." Gemma pointed to mum, then after mum its me. Can I just leave or something.

"Looking after you two is hard enough, but I help around in some small business. But everything is lovely." Mum said with a smile. Now its my turn. Help. Me.

Gemma and dad laughed. I'm humorless today. "How about you bro?" Gemma asked me. I don't want to talk about anything, but I have to talk or mum's going to think I'm disrespectful.

"The usual, mischief and songs..." I trail off. That's all I want to say.

"Come on Harry, tell us. We know there's more to that." Dad says, why? My life isn't that important. Maybe they're trying to make this easier or they're digging in deep.

"Uhm...arguements, fights and shouting. That's all, its not that interesting anyway." 

"Yes it is. Now tell us more." Gemma get interested in my story. Okay, what? That's never ever going to happen.

"I left the lads, after...Dani left. Now they're making people tweet where I am."

"They must really care." Dad commented. Yeah, making people stalk you is okay, no.

"Or maybe the management is making them do it." I said. Its a maybe and possibilities are endless. "Its creepy how they want strangers to look for me. I'm not dead or anything." I add.

"Its creepy, but they care for you." Mum says, pinching my cheeks. Ugh...why?

"I call it, desperation."

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