Chapter 53

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Why were you so quiet when I said Niall's name?" Dani asked. I knew she would ask. Should I tell her, or lie all over again? Tough decisions are always the worst of them all. If I tell her the truth, it will be tough for her to comprehend everything and it will confuse her. But if I lie to her, then it'll be more difficult each day. Hmm...tough.

"Can we talk later?" I say, I'm trying to stall so she'll forget about it. Like that will happen.

"Okay, but tell me the truth okay." She said and walked to the bathroom with her towel. At least it worked...for now. 

I feel so stupid. This wish is half disaster and half dream come true. But all dreams have an end though, and I don't know if I should this. But its a wish, not a dream. What can I do to change this? Its like a unbreakable spell that lasts forever. Maybe there's a way out, or maybe there isn't.  The unescapable twists and turns of life, well this wish life anyway. I figure that a wish is more intense than a dream, because when you dream, you wake up from it and it'll be back to normal. While a wish is hard to break, or it even lasts forever. 

Mum was right. I shouldn't have made that wish. Even though I got like everything I ever wanted in my wish, the guilt really never leaves you it just sticks to you like skin. I wish I did listen. The spirit was right, my ignorance and self-greed cause this. Harry, you need to stop being selfish and think of others too. Me, I just ruined Niall's life and also Dani's. I ruined Niall's life by making my wish and taking him away from the bunch. I ruined Dani's life by making her confused about everything and lying to her. Ugh...messed up life.

"Harry...are you going to take your shower or not?" Dani said after her shower. She was wearing her beige color slacks,  violet Supras and violet jumper. 

"Yeah I will. Violet day I see." 

"Well one color basis is my style." She smirked.

"Yeah, obviously." I smirked and got my towel and clothes.

"What does that supposed to mean?" She asked. 

"I know you wear one color basis okay." I say, I'm a little pissed okay. Then walked into the bathroom, not listening to whatever she said when I got in. 

At least the warm water from the shower makes me feel like I'm somewhere in the middle. Happy and less pissed. I really want to get away from this, be relieved of everything. As much as I love Dani, the guilt keeps sucking in. Should I let her go and let Niall have her? Or keep living the wish and hope that the next day will be less guilt bringing? Both choices hurt. help me. Second thoughts on the wish keep coming. That's just torture right there.

After the long thinking session, I decided to finally get dried. Brushed my teeth and got drssed. Whatever I'm wearing...its what I first picked. No denying there. I got out and hung my towel on the hanger. Then walked downstairs. I'm to embarrassed to even face Dani after my sarcasm earlier.Who wouldn't? The lifeless yes but me no!!

"Hey Harry..." Louis said in a almost sad voice. 

"Hi guys..." I did the same.

"So ready to go?" Liam said to clear up the awkward moment.

"Okay." Everyone said. We walked out to the door and the van was there. Paul too. We all got in, I requested a seat in front, exchanged with Paul.

I didn't want to seat beside Dani, reasons reasons. She's mad at me so I don't want to make her even more mad at me. The perks of this wish has just become the opposite of what I though and wanted it to be. At the start was the best, but now its slowly turning to nightmare. Thinking of this just makes me feel a little more guilty. In this wish, I did nothing but be kind and try to be happy. But instead, I'm the bad guy once again. 

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