Chapter 63

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Niall's P.O.V.

I remember last night, it was -all I can and could say is- MAGICAL.  You wouldn't even believe my smile last night and the smile is still on my face. Let me just tell you this, best night of my life!!! 

The lads were, also, so very happy for this leprechaun. I know, I know. I hate being called a leprechaun, but I never said I could call myself one. Leprechaun leprechaun, that's me!!!

So as I was saying, last night was -I'll says all the words that can describe it- magnificent, magical, tremendous, fabulous, awesome, killer, dreamy and so one and so forth. There are more words but let me just cut to the chase. I will now flash back to last nights' events.




Me and Dani were sipping some soup, in a separate table since the others wanted to give me and Dani so alone time. I don't know what soup I was sipping but it was delicious and pleasant to the taste buds. And while we were both sipping soup, our other hand was entwined under the table. For a matter of fact, we only use one hand to sip soup because we only use a spoon.

Another thing I found awesome-and-so-super-funny was Liam using a fork to sip soup. It was hysterical because he was challenging himself. He could have used a spork but he said, "Sporks are half spoon so I do not dare to use one." Funny right?

So when me and Dani were sipping soup yadah yadah holding hands yadah yadah. We also had a nice conversation.

"Enjoying the soup?" I ask awkwardly. 

"I guess..." She was still blushing. "And Niall," She raised her hand. "You know you can let go any time now. The guys will not pull me away again." She said, now I'm blushing.

I forgot to tell you that the lads almost took away my Dani from me. They said I couldn't last a second without her and I would turn into a train wreck. Well, I probably would anyway. It isn't funny, to be honest. But I know how to get her back. Haha.

"Well at least I know you'll be the future Mrs. Horan." I grinned and gave her a seductive wink. She blushed and then turned red. Yeah, I knew it would catch her attention and I meant to do that. Sort of, I don't know.

"That isn't funny. And I do not want children, I repeat, I DO NOT WANT CHILDREN. I rather adopt one." She said and emphasis to her words.



"You said, 'You would adopt a child or have no child at all' but you didn't say you wouldn't be Mrs. Horan!!! No take backs!"

"What the heck...fine."




Yep, best night of my life, for now.

Why do I feel so warm?

Not warm warm, just warm because its like body heat.

I shuffled to my right and say little Blondie Dani still sound asleep. She snores, not as loud as other people, but she snores. She's adorable like big fat teddy bears. No, she ain't fat okay. But she is cute when she sleeps.

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