Chapter 71

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Niall P.O.V.

In the shadows of the night I weep in sorrow. Every single tear shed memories and pain. I remember the day we met. The day of our birthdays. And the day she finally said, 'I love you." All those memories stuck in my mind and broken to shreds. Once remembered always remembered.  Fate didn't want us to be happy together and have our happily ever after.

"Son, stop cryin' now. It's been about a week..."

Mom sighs as she fixed my bow tie for today. The day I saw my final farewell. Sigh, I thought most things last forever, but actually, nothing ever lasts forever. It's just a little lie to make people less depressed.

"No mum...only a week."

"Niall, that's not a valid reason for you to be so up-"

"Mum, don't you understand? I love her and I still do. No matter how long it's passed I will never forget her. She meant the world to me and she will always will."

"I understand, but sooner or later you'll get over it and you'll have to find someone else to spend your whole lifetime with."

"That day will hardly come..."

I whisper as mom finishes with my tie. Trying so hard not to cry.... I still remember her smile and sometimes I could imagine her smiling from heaven above. The bright light from heaven shining upon her bringing such ambiance I've never seen. Her hair fixed beautifully and her holding out her hand waiting. Sigh. Such deception. 

To be honest, I don't feel her gone. Her presence still present in this world, yet no one had the courage to speak up and tell the truth.  

Imagine this: What if today and all the other days were just a figment of my imagination. None of this ever happened and I was in a coma. Stuck in my imagination of heart ships. Then I wake up to the faces of my mates and they'll say I had a bad coma and nothing happened at all. Never kissed her, never hugged her, never cuddled with her and never shared any memories with her. What if.

"We are gathered here today for a very special burial. The burial of a very special girl. To avoid any paparazzi attacks or ambushes, we have decided not to call on her name nor to open the coffin anymore." The priest said, and I understand. But this is crazed.  "Let us now begin the ceremony."

The first to speak up was Louis. But I still am worried that Dani's parents may not be present. I'm worried. I hope they do attend, they have to. It is a right for Dani.

"Good day to everyone who has attended this ceremony. This girl meant the world to us. She was like a little sister that added to our family. She was talented and beautiful and her music moved our hearts. It gave others hope and today it is our part to give one another strength and power..."

As Louis trails off I get lost in my thoughts.

Every word that someone says I take in and let go.  Remembering all the times and forming a speech in my head. A speech that will mean the world to me like she meant to me. Expressed will all my compassion and love for her. Burning sensation in my heart. Or they call it love. I'm in love with her...

"Niall, it's your turn. Go on." 

Liam starts pushing me on the podium. I held a white rose in my hand because I know she loves them.

"This day was really unexpected for me and mostly everyone. I never wanted this to happen yet fate did it's work. I was heart-broken, torn even. I cried everyday because she wasn't there laying beside me every night and every morning. I missed her so very dearly and I find it difficult to pass a day without knowing she was around. But in my heart and in my soul, I know she's still alive. Knowing that her presence was still among us. I wish I could have prevented this tragedy, I wish I could have done something before all of this happened. I love her and nothing in this world would change that. I love her to the moon and back. If it was my choice, it should have been me instead. I would follow her to the skies and maybe we could be happy together...she will be missed..."

My last word and a shower of tears. I held my rose tight in my palms, not caring whether the thorns infect my palm. I rather let blood flow than to say good bye.

We gathered around the spot where the burial was going to happen. Each person threw their roses as I waited for them to finish. I wanted to be the last. The last to say good bye. I wouldn't want to be the first. The first always regrets. 

"I love you and there will be nothing that can separate us...nothing..."

I got a bag, her bag. Placed all her clothes inside it, remembering each time she wore it and imagined the times she first shopped for it. I smelled each scent of it, replenishing my memories of her and her scent. Letting the scent enter my nostrils and let it stick to my mind. The tears drop quickly and fell on the fabric and darkened it. I hugged it and kept it close and just let it rub off on me. 

Each photo I had, I stacked on some little boards to make a shrine. All the photos she brought and the ones I brought each had it's own meaning. Like the other week we got our braces changed at our dentist. Like when she was young, her recital of ballet. I was the only one present at that time. Her birthdays, my photos with her from different captions and the things did. Then there's the things I bought her, the things she enjoyed and some scented candles. 


It started this mess. It took away the love of my life and all our memories. I feel like an idiot. If I listened to Zayn then this wouldn't have happened. It is my fucking fault. 


Worst day of my life. Can't believe this happened.

Look what I found, her phone. Her sleek phone that she left behind. 

I unlocked the phone and saw our photo from the park the other day, as her wallpaper. Sigh, such memories we didn't get to keep. Such memories we didn't get to share.

'She was supposed to be my future Mrs. Horan.'

I woke up with a little notebook beside me. A notebook I gave her years ago. What could have she wrote here? She special thoughts? Memories? Fantasies? Dreams? Hopes? I don't know and I rather not invade it.

'Secrets are meant to be kept under a lock and safe.'

"Just remember Niall, she loves you and you will be there by her side."


Hi my readers!

Very short update but means a lot to me. It hurts to write this one, because of the past chapters were related to my pain and sadness. Really sad life :''(

Sad ending to a sad day of mine :(

"Sigh* There's more to come than this!  There are more plot twists and mysteries yet to be unfolded! Stay tuned for the last chapter of More Chances Than One, The Epilogue of Chances stay tuned!

And be sure to catch my sequel! I Want Only One Thing!

To Come Soon to Computers Near You!

Watch Out!

Rissa xxx

Okay! Here it is! The start of my SEQUEL!

Let's get some reads and votes rolling my readers!

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