Chapter 10

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Niall's P.O.V.

       When someone who's special to you leaves, it really feels....well complicated. I need space right now, so I can gain my strength to even sing for the last time. 

         I went upstairs and dressed in to my red polo shirt and wore a jumper. Since it was already autumn and nealy winter, the breaze of the wind can be so cold. Mostly now, cause Dani left and I have no one. I also wore my peach slacks and white converse.

"I'm going out for a while." I told them and headed for the door. 

Where will I go, anyway?

"Don't take to long!" Louis chirped. 

"Alright see ya!"

      Maybe I'll go to my favorite thinking spot. The Park where me and Dani first met. 

**********FLASHBACK********** (4 years ago)

    When I first moved to England, I was friendless. At least I can be a new person oh well.

I walked down the road and noticed a group of people. There were 4 lads and 1 girl. Practically the boys were about or near my age. Good. But the girl was like 9 or 10 I think. I'll have to admit she was beautiful.

Stop it Niall you cannot have a crush on a girl you barely even met and who's to young for you. I need friends so they can be friend material. Let me see if I can befriend them.

"Hey! I'm Dani! Who are you? Haven't seen you around here before. Where are you from? Where is your house?" She asked me in one breath. Wow! She really is something.

"Excuse our friend I'm Liam, that's Harry, this is Louis and over there is Zayn. And you've met little Dani here." He pointed to everyone. They waved back at me. At least it's a start.

"Nice to meet ya! What's your name mate?" Louis asked me and shook my hand.

"Well... I'm Niall. Niall James Horan. I just moved from Mullingar, Ireland and I live in that White and blue house over there." I answered every question Dani asked.

"Wow! Wait?! Your name is Niall James?" Zayn asked and he smirked. What's wrong with my name?

"Yeah! Why?" I scratched my head with confusion. I really didn't know what's going on.

"You have the same second name as Liam." He chuckled and then followed by the others. But Liam sent a I'm-going-to-kill-you glare at Zayn.

"Shut up!! Zayn! It's not funny!" Liam shouted all frustrated but Zayn just ignored.

"Yeah it is!!" Louis responded trying to stop laughing. But well he didn't stop.

"Whatever. You guys always do that when we meet someone with the same name as me. That's why we can't make new friends." Liam sighed.

"Alright we'll stop now." They finally stopped laughing and regained their poise.

"Finally, so tell us something about yourself, Niall." Dani asked. Her eyes are so beautiful. It was Purple and her hair was blond with brown strikes.

"Well, I'm 13 and I love football. I like the color blue. Especially I love Food!"

"Awesome! What's your favorite restaurant or fast food?" She smiled cheekily at me.

"My favorite is Nandos" I chuckled. Mostly I eat there everyday but I try not making it an habit.

"OMG!! I love that place too!!" She cheered. A fellow Nandos lover.

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