Ch 22. What Can I Ever Understand

Começar do início

"Yeah." he nodded looking at me then.

"Why did you move to Kandred?" I repeated the question that had always flooded inside my head. He hesitated for a second, not knowing what to say.

"That's a whole different story. A very long one." he said but it wouldn't stop me. I shifted my eyes looking at the trees in front of me instead.

"I want to hear it." I was stubborn and that was it. I grabbed his arm clenching it like there was no tomorrow.

He opened his mouth and I waited for his words to escape from them. But he was stuck. But I finally felt hope when his lips started to move and I heard a mere word. "When..." he mumbled. He was going to tell me. It felt just like that time when Krystal was about to tell me her secret. That feeling. Satisfying the curiousness.

He was freezed at that moment when he was just about to say one little word. Was it that hard? I was so impatient and couldn't stop shaking. I decided to hold on longer because if I kept pushing him nothing would ever leave his mouth. I looked up at the sky impatiently trying to reduce the annoying feeling that can't seem to wait. I saw mom on the balcony behind us on the second floor as I had leaned all the way back. She was holding a bucket, a blue bucket to be specific and I knew exactly what she was doing. I felt a huge chill when water was spilt on me and Zach. Did mom just do that?

I had never been bothered by the way mom always dumped water from the balcony whenever she'd clean the aquarium every Tuesday, since I always knew that I should never be near the porch at Tuesday mornings. I had thought twice about how someone could be standing there about that time and get wet from it but never thought that the odds were big for it.

But looking at me at that time I was really stupid. I didn't think about it at all. I had totally forgotten as it didn't feel like a Tuesday for me.

"Oh dear lord I'm so sorry my baby!" mom shrieked when she heard my yelp looking down at us. She caught Zach looking up at her with his completely drenched clothes and started to shower us with apologies. Just when he was about to tell me.

I sighed and got up. "Great job mom..." I sarcastically told her and I saw how much guilt flooding into her. She sprinted down and said hi to Zach with curiosity around her as her aura was full of it, and of course his was empty as usual.

"I'm Audree's mom, Laura." she introduced herself. Totally amazed by Zach. He was the first boy that had been near our house after all. "Uhm... Are you... Audree's... Boyfriend?"

"We're friends.'" we both said in unison. Now awkward moment. But I had kissed Zach once. But he was only helping me for my confidence though. It didn't count right? No feelings.

"Oh alright." mom smiled and suddenly noticed that we were both wet. "Get in and shower now. I'm so sorry!" she cried, totally forgetting what she had done. I sighed and tugged his shirt, leading him into our house. "As an apology you don't need to go to school today..." mom mumbled as I walked. Not that I never had a problem getting permission from her about going to school. But I still smiled at her because she tried to make up for it.

He caught the sight of my room and looked around sucking in all the details. Not that there were any. My room didn't have any personality at all I thought. We just stood there like stupid idiots, not knowing what to do.

"Go take a shower." I said, trying to fill the silence. He looked at me with big eyes.

"No need. Just water." he flashed me that smile again and I grinned. "You have fishpee all over yourself..." I smirked and that was enough to make him go. I brought him a towel and heard him enter the bathroom. What did I just do? It felt weird having a boy taking a shower in my bathroom. Since when did I become one of those girls that have boys over in my room?

The Dark BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora