188. Cannonfodder is Always Lucky E

900 5 0

Translator: White Cat

Chapters: 10

Tags: cannonfodder MC, System, cute MC, short


As a cannon fodder, Xia Heng’s biggest wish is to earn more points and strive for a better life in the task world. But fate is not what he wants, the protagonists he met always do not play according to the routine. Xia Heng looks at the progress madly rush all the way like a prolapse. The plot is so crooked that ten horses can’t pull it back.

There is mmp* sentence in heart. Don’t know what to say.

Impressions: Quick short read, sweet and fluffy.

Our MC is a diligent cannonfodder, whose task is to let the protagonist shou and gong meet. He is very serious about completing the tasks but things doesn't go as planned as the protagonist shou refused to follow the routine! Lol. So our MC changed Systems #spoiler from passerby cannonfodder (System 014 & 15) to small cannonfodder (System 010) to cannonfodder male lead (System 007) to supporting male lead (System 002) after just a few chapters XD In the end, he and the protagonist get together and MC is promoted to being a life winner (System 001). They live their life happily then laters, wake up in the real world to continue to be together. The End.

Very short and sweet. Our MC is cute so its fun to read. Try it as a change of pace if you're in between longer novels ^_^

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