The Final

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I did not expect this to happen. I seriously didn't. And guess what? I think this is the last chapter.  There is not much to tell before the story must move on. That's right. Finally, after two pre-Naruto books and one pre-Shippuden book, we can finally move on to the main conflicts. I'm definitly going to put up an epilogue, and as a hint, it relates to the prologue. Hope you guys didn't forget about that prologue ^ ^"

And I hope you don't find this too rushed. I'm kind of glad I ended this book around the ending of Naruto. Anyways, enjoy!


Rin's POV

I knelt at the ground packing my things. I should be returning to Konoha, so I can leave some stuff behind. I won't have time for hobbies where I am going, if anything, I could die any second. I smirked darkly. A ten year old already planning her trip for strength... I'm actually really lucky Tsunade let me leave in the first place.


Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "A three year leave? Let me guess, either Naruto or Jiraiya has told you about Orochimaru and the Akatsuki?"

I nodded, "Both my brothers are with them. I have a lot to do with this, and I'm not letting either of those organizations achieve their means."

"You are a puny ten year old who isn't even an official ninja."

"You're not giving me a forehead protector anyways!" I bursted out. I tried to ignore the pulsing vein in Tsunade's forehead, "I could be an official ninja if you let me you know! Just because I'm ten years old doesn't mean...doesn't mean..." I gritted my teeth, "Anyways, everyone's going to move in three years, I need to be stronger then. If it's too late to join the Academy, if I can't officially be a ninja, then there's no way I'm getting stronger in the village!"

"Then where does a ten year old like you plan to go?" Tsunade challenged, "You've spent your outside life in Oto! You're not going to get stronger by wandering around like an idiot, and the only people you know are criminals. Do you plan to follow your brothers?"

I was stunned.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "You want to chase after them, don't you?"

"Of course I want to follow them!" I cried, "I'm going to fight them and punch them in the face for being stupid idiots!"

"Uchiha Rin," Tsunade said sternly, "the relationship between the Leaf and the Uchiha are bad enough as it is now, if you end up with relationships with Oto and the Akatsuki, then this will be very bad for you. You may lose the last place you can return to in this continent."

"Orochimaru thinks I'm dead," I growled, "and the Akatsuki don't give a crap about me! I can tail them or try to find out about them all I want, and they wouldn't notice because I'm a- I quote," I sneered, "a puny ten year old right?"

"You hold a lot of cheek for a tiny little kid."

"Thank you."

"So who's going to be your sensei?"

I bared my teeth, "That person is outside of Konoha, it shouldn't matter to you!"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "Sounds like that person is a criminal."

"Well I don't think my trainer's a criminal," I said indignantly, "and it's not like anyone knows of my trainer anyways. Maybe I should rephrase. I'm here to tell you that for three years, I'm going to leave like Naruto is, to train in the outside world, where all the shinobi are running around and fighting. The big tests are all out there. I'm going to leave no matter what, and I know you aren't going to brand me a criminal anyways. I promise, I'm going to come back in three years or a little sooner, and I'll be stronger." I slammed both hands on the table, "I'm a Leaf ninja. I will always be." I turned around, "See you later Lady Tsunade. I hope I got your permission one way or another."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now