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Chapter 33

This is completely experimental to see if I can update (apparently, I can only read books on Wattpad in this country, but who said about Create?). I don't even know if this is going to work.

READ: Even if this does work, I am unable to see your comments, votes, or even reply to them. So just know that I appreciate it all the same ;)


Rin's POV

We stared at each other, "You know I'm not that sorry..."

"Yeah, neither am I."

I smiled, "Your face doesn't look that bad though now, does it?"

She scowled, "Ha. And I'll bet you have a few scars on your legs now?"

"And arms, no thanks to you two."

Her sister started giggling sheepishly.

The red-white-head gave me a nasty sneer, "Your brain feeling okay? I'll be happy to channel some more voltage in to it."

"I'll pass. Maybe I should actually run my Dansu Tenohira into you for real this time."

"Runt brat."

"Half-colored tramp."

Akane and I regarded each other with an unblinking glare. Stupid marker-b*tch, as Naruto so accurately put it. Kitsune on the other hand...yeah, I can't stand her either, but it's a different form of dislike. I think we have this giant awkward and dark-looking rift between us.

So, thanks to the brawl that nearly made my own brother run his stupid-chirping-birds into me, I have more scars on my legs, and some on my arms. And if you look really closely at Akane's face, you'll find that her chin has shifted a few centimeters.

"Well," I said stiffly, "I guess this is good bye then."

"Yeah." They began walking off.

I felt an impulse, "You don't have to come back!" I suddenly yelled, "I-It isn't like I'm going to let you take my brother so easily!"

They stared at me, then-

Akane smirked, "I'll guess I'll have to visit then."

For some reason, I grinned. It was the weirdest thing. I, who had taken their father, and they who had caused hell for me, were smirking at each other with an almost friendly air.

I recalled Kitsune's earlier words as I turned and walked back into Konoha.

I don't think we can ever be friends, but at least we're not enemies.

*Two days later

"So let me get this straight," Naruto said slowly, "your name is not Sugitani Akira?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I already told you!" I shouted, "It isn't! And no, I'm not a feminine boy either! I'm a GIRL, Naruto! What makes it so hard lto believe?!"

"I don't know, it's just so weird!"

"YOU'RE WEIRD!" I screamed, "What's wrong with me being a girl?!"

"Ten year olds shouldn't cross dress!"

I resisted slamming Naruto's head down, "I had to do it or else I would die from disobeying orders! AND YOU!" I spun around to face the person sitting on my other side, "Why aren't you defending me?"

Sasuke glanced at me, "I don't see the need. You've obviously grown up. Defend yourself."

"You, are, my, BROTHER!"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now