Come Back

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Updated early XD

Well anyways, enjoy!


Kakashi looked up, "Oh, you two arrived just on time. We needed two extra pairs of arms anyways."

Gai grinned and nudged Asuma who sighed deeply, "I took Kurenai's place. I couldn't resist a good night jog! Besides... Kurenai and Asuma have been spending too much time together, don't you think?"

Asuma rolled his eyes, "I just lost my dad a few days ago, Gai. Stop pestering me...geez..." He took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew out, "But anyways, this is quite the scene we have here. An inn has caught fire back in Konoha, and now three Genin are on the ground. Are you one hundred percent sure that the Akira kid is the center of this... Kakashi?" Asuma raised an eyebrow, "Because I don't see him anywhere."

Kakashi shrugged, "He ran."

"So he caused all of this wreck?" Asuma said curiously, "Weird of him to do that, I actually liked the kid a little... He didn't seem like the kind go set an inn on fire."

"That was actually..." Kakashi paused, "this is too complicated. I'll fill you guys in later, as of now, can you help me carry Shiga Akane and Sasuke back to Konoha?"

Gai started foreword and carefully lifted Sasuke on to his back.

Asuma approached where Akane was on her back eagle spread, when a girl suddenly scrambled in front of him.

"Stay away from Akane!"

Asuma stared, "Ah... You're her younger sister, aren't you?" He puffed on his cigarette, "Relax, kid, we're not here to do anything but take everyone back to the village to settle down. Just because our villages aren't allies doesn't mean we kill on sight."

"H-Her chin might be broken..." The younger sister gulped, "she looks weird... I don't... I-"

"I'll be careful," Asuma assured, "Here, you can come with us to the hospital." Asuma smiled when Akane's sister feebly nodded, "Alright, let's go. I take it that you're carrying Sakura, Kakashi?"

Kakashi nodded, "You two go ahead. I'll catch up."

Gai, Asuma, and Kitsune along with two unconscious pieces of cargo leapt away, leaving Kakashi with Sakura in his arms and Naruto.

"Ka..." Naruto and Kakashi looked down to see Sakura widen her eyes, "S-Sensei... Where's Akira?"

The Jounin sighed, "He ran away."

"N-No!" Sakura struggled, "Nothing g-good every hap-pens when he d-disappears! I have to say sorry!" She had small tears in her eyes, "It's m-my fault. He's h-hurt..."

"Sakura," Kakashi commanded, "Just rest. We'll take care of it. We promise."

Sakura bit her lip, "... I don't..."

Kakashi gently hit her on the back of the neck.

"Your fault?" Naruto whispered, "How is it your fault? You did nothing. We didn't know anything! Akira... Akira never told us about himself... So why are you blaming yourself Sakura-chan?!" Naruto looked down angrily at Sakura's sleeping form, "It's not your fault!"

Kakashi stared at his student, "Well Naruto...the kid you always called your friend has been deeply hurt by you... Yet he also hurt your team mate Sakura."

Naruto flinched.

"What are you going to do... Naruto?" Kakashi said calmly, "You're the only one who came out of this intact. I have to take Sakura to the hospital. Are you going to go after Akira? Or leave him?"

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