Victory Over Something Different

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And oh my god. How ironic that I got so many of what I didn't want but none of what I actually wanted. Man... I STILL Don't know on what you think on the picture...

But PLEASE PLEASE take a look at the picture on the side. Don't be lazy. It's a lovely foreshadow of the outcome ;)

The image and story is copyrighted.



He blinked.

"AKIRA-BRAT!" Naruto yelled, "DAMN IT, you STUPID marker-b*tch! You played dirty!"

Akira struggled to remove his katana that was lodged in the middle of a bone inside Akane. His red hands, soaked in her blood, shakily gripped the hilt. He managed to slide the blade out a little, before something suddenly hit him in the face, causing his fingers to slip off. A fist?

Since when did Akane get this powerful?

Akira flew across the arena. He barely managed to support himself and staggered backwards. His hand felt his stomach. The cut wasn't deep at all. Without a doubt, nothing important had been injured. Maybe trying to stab someone while you were splitting in half didn't give you most accurate aim and damage. But speaking of splitting in half-

Akira looked up wearily. Back at the other end of the arena, Akane nonchalantly slid the katana out from her. It was sickening. Akane was alive from that? She was cut in half, yet she wasn't falling apart...

No, never mind. Akane was indeed splitting apart. Her two halves continued to separate, making the audience gag as more threads of blood and skin stretched out.

"What the hell!" Akira shouted, "What are you?!"

"Me?" Akane spoke, and the muscles in her throat contracted and stretched as she spoke, "I'm a member of the Shiga clan, that's what. Here, take back your katana." Akane lifted Akira's katana, then threw it at him.

Akira had to catch the blade with his bare hands to prevent it from stabbing him. He gritted his teeth as the blade sliced across his palms.

Akira watched in horror as Akane continued to split, but the two halves never fell down. They continued to remain upright as if they were still standing together.

Akira was going to be sick. He could see every sliced intestine and organ pulsing in Akane's body. And before long, his hand flew to his mouth as he gagged.

Then, he noticed something. The halves had finished splitting, and at the places where the halves were torn, new skin was building up. The broken halves were building themselves up. It was like watching a child grow frightfully fast. The two halves built up what had been torn from them, and before long-

It wasn't two halves in front of Akira.

It was two separate bodies.

"You're SICK!" Akira hissed.

Akane had made herself into two bodies. One had her white hair and eyes, the other red.

"Why did you even think my sister and I were only a two man team?" Both bodies spoke together, "It's the trait of the Shiga for some members to have this ability."

White Akane leered, "It's your fault for not going all out. Now you'll see the cost of it. No... Don't see."

White Akane suddenly appeared behind Akira and socked him in the face.


Akira skidded to a halt and wiped his cheek where it was hit, "I'm assuming you're going to kill me in this state?"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the Uchihaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें