2/3 Until The Decision

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Chapter 15

I'm back from Ireland ^ ^ sorry if this chapter has abrupt time skips and has under-satisfaction quality. Usually, when I go on long periods of time without writing, the first chapter I write after the break is taken as a warm up...so my efforts are probably on a half or third of the usual >.>

Sorry if the ending is retarded too, but I need the ending to be there. As a small favor, I'll be asking you guys to watch details in this story. In a few chapters, you'll see why c;

Sorry for any grammatical and logical AND plot errors, I tend to get careless and too excited.

This story is copyrighted.



I was left in the darkness.

I'm seriously confused, and screwed up. I don't need memories of that night, not now... I need to get the hell out. What happened to the Forest of Death-

Someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I stiffened. In one second, I knew who's arms they were.


It's been four years. Only... I knew this couldn't be real. She was dead. I didn't turn around, because I didn't want to see her, her face, her eyes. I would lose my mind. She's dead, and this...this carbon copy...isn't real. Now I really want to know. Who the hell is the arrogant bastard who thinks he can recreate Rin?

Then without hesitation, I whipped around and punched the imposter as hard as I could. The arms disappeared. There was no one. No one-

And then I heard her voice.

"At that time... I had fought so hard for you. You found my bloody self on the streets, and you became relieved. But what help was that? The enemy was still behind you.

At that time, mom and dad was already dead because you were too late. I was the only one left, but even so, you didn't do anything.

I called out to you and you...the most you could do was pathetically proclaim that you were there. Then he came up from behind me and lifted me up so that you could see just how ruined I was.

I fought alone you know, when you were out there training, hoping to get stronger.

Then I told you to be strong. I meant it, and what did you do? You panicked. You did the one thing that he told you would end my life.

You ran foreword.

He knocked you to the ground, and did you get up? No, you lay on the ground, weak, defeated, watching me. Afraid.

He snapped my neck, and I fell down.

You watched. You only watched. How could you?

You grabbed my dead hand, screaming my name. You're pathetic. You think that brings someone back to life?

So why? Why? Why didn't you try again? Why did you stay on the ground?


How could you just watch!?"


That isn't it! I didn't want to watch! That wasn't something I couldn't control!

This can't be happening, I thought my nightmares were over. Why...why is this happening!? Where am I? Where am I!? Where....

Then I heard someone sobbing.

"Who's there!?"

I saw a dark shape. A kid, crying, his voice was familiar...

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