Chapter 32.5

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You don't have to read this, since this MIGHT ruin the previous chapter for you.

This is an extra. I originally planned to leave Chapter 32 alone, but I was feeling humorous that day so I wrote this! I even added sweat drops (I usually don't include anime effects in this story ^ ^") Enjoy (if you're reading)!


"Are you Rin?"

The kid's mouth opened, "Well...-"


The minute that was shouted, was when the kid uttered the hardest words of his life.

Naruto burst in to the room with ten other copies of him, Sakura followed close behind, "WE'RE HERE TO SAVE YOU AKIRA-BRAT!"

Sasuke dodged a punch, "What did you say?" He shouted over Naruto's yells, "I can't hear!"

The kid, or rather Rin, turned white. The biggest moment of her life was just turned in to ashes because of the racket. She worked up so much courage to speak, and in the end, no one heard it, "Never mind!" She got up suddenly and ran for the door, "It doesn't matter any more!"

"No wait!" Sasuke turned, snarling at Naruto and his clones, "You just had to burst in?!" Sasuke grabbed Rin's hand before she could run away, "Did you just say yes?"

Rin spun around furiously, "I-It doesn't matter anymore if you didn't hear it!" she did just admit-

Sasuke froze, "What?"

"It doesn't matter!" Rin choked, "Leave me alone! AND YOU!" Rin screamed at Naruto, "You freaking dumbass fat moron! This is all your fault!"

Naruto stopped his chaotic movements and sweat dropped, "What?"

"I finally did it!" Rin shouted, "BAKA! And I won't say it again! It's all your fault damn it!" Rin started to cry, and if possible, Naruto's sweat drop grew bigger.

Sakura's mouth grew wide, "Wait, you said it?!"


"But are you my sister?!" Sasuke shouted, "Are you? Is that what you said?"

"DONT TALK SHIT!" Sasuke looked taken back, "Something like that was inevitable! Who would want to be your sister anyways?!" Rin bellowed through dramatic tears and pointed at Sasuke violently. Her words cut through and with each adjective, noun, and verb, Naruto's sweat drop grew bigger, "Anybody can tell that you're a GOOD FOR NOTHING, ARROGANT, EXPRESSIONLESS, JERK-FACE, SMIRK-ASS, BASTARD, STUPID-"

Fabric flattened Rin's face and she prepared to bite it in full fury when she realized this was someone's shirt. His shirt. Ah. Great. A hug?

"Just shut up, you."

Rin tried to shove her face away, "You shut up! You shut up Sasuke! Don't touch me you jerk-face!"

Sasuke glanced at his team mates with a blank expression, "I don't know how the hell her mouth got this dirty, but this is definitely her."

Sakura beamed.

And then Rin said, "Shut up!"

Sasuke looked down at Rin's head. What to think right now... Rin had asked him what Sasuke would do when he "sees." And now... He really didn't know.

Was this even possible? How...who would... who could... Ah.

"Did she do it for you?" Sasuke asked quietly so only Rin could hear, "You know... Amaterasu?"

"... Why would you want to know, you stupid jerk-face?" Rin grumped, "Let go of me."

"So you've been hanging around us for more than a month, a depressed little brat," Sasuke smirked and held Rin tighter, "Oh god... I'm never going to forgive who made you this way...."

"Namely Orochimaru," Rin said quietly, "but who gives a crap about him."

Things were strangely calm. A surreal mood. A moment where one could not find himself to get angry or excited.

"Wait." Then the moment ended. For the first time in this entire conversation, Naruto spoke.

Everyone turned their heads, "What?" Sakura said crossly, "What do you want?"

"You're a GIRL Akira-brat?!" Naruto shouted, "But that's messed up! You're not fit to be a girl! Girls are supposed to be loud and annoying, and fan girls of the stupid bastard Sa-"

A fist suddenly found itself in his gut, "SAY THAT AGAIN NARUTO!"

Sasuke watched his team mates yell and beat each other. He blinked. Something like a late reaction clicked in. Wait.... He was hugging his own sister? But she died... Came back? What the hell was happening? His calm was replaced by a wild uncertainty. He suddenly pulled away.

"I need to go." Without hesitation, he left Rin kneeling on the ground and rushed out. He ran through the halls, out the inn. It wasn't possible, yet it happened. He had made sure. No...he wasn't feeling angry any more. Not happy. Ahh.,. Screw it, Sasuke ran faster. To be sure... Rin was here. But why did it feel so weird?

She had grown up. She wasn't the little girl from before anymore. She was different now. A little stronger.

It hurt a little.


Rin's POV

I watched Sasuke run out. It was hard to believe too. Things didn't happen the way I expected. I always saw a loud reunion, whether it would be through excited shouting or... Screaming from something unwanted. But this was so quiet. Well at least now it was"

"Sasuke-kun left..." I heard Sakura say, "are you fine with that?"

I shrugged, "If I were him, I would have run out too... Maybe he just needs to clear his head..." I smiled, "it's been four years... Too much had changed-"

"But how are you a girl?!" Naruto suddenly shook my shoulders, "How Akira-brat?! I've always seen you as a bratty boy with long hair... I don't get this..."

"I used a voice changer," I said bluntly, "although I don't think it matters... Since ten year olds have high voices anyways..."

Naruto stared. Then he thumped the side of his fist in to the palm of his hand, "Ah, I see! It was that easy for you to disguise your gender! After all, it's not like ten year old girls have boobs anyways-"


Oh crap... What? I never even though about... I turned red. Crap. When I grow up, am I seriously going to get... Er... No no no! Don't think about it! I'm only-

"TEN, Naruto, TEN! Don't spout that sort of garbage in front of a ten year old!" Sakura punched Naruto yet again, "You stupid perverted idiot!"

"Wahh Sakura-chan! Why are you so concerned? I mean, your chest hasn't gone much bigger anyways-"


And Sakura brat up Naruto again. She has such a temper. I like Sakura better when she is a little quieter I think... But anyways.

I looked out the door where Sasuke had run out. Even if I understand he needs a moment, I finally get to be recognized by him after four years. Right now, I want to go after him. Who knows where he is anyways.

I'm going to go after him.

I left Sakura with Naruto and secretly ran out. The hallways fell back as I ran faster. At some point, I could swear I had bumped in to Kakashi.

An old friend. I smiled. I would catch up with him later as well. I had lots of time.

Hehehe... I finally did it Ama. I hope you're proud of me.

I burst outside. And then I ran faster.

Sasuke... Sasuke!





Stay tuned (July 31st is the next update ^ ^)

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