Hatake and Uchiha (four years later)

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Fan service :3

AHAHA! I can see comments and votes actually! I'm shocked. I can't believe this actually happened in this country, when Google and YouTube would not work no matter how hard I tried. But...I can't reply. Or thank. Damn it. BUT ANYWAYS: sorry for that previous excessively boring chapter -.- I got carried too far. Too much conversation, goodness.

Enjoy! It's great to be back, and it's great that I can update! I wonder how long my luck will last!

Please PLEASE vote and comment XD

And thank you for the previous votes and comments!


Rin's POV

I should train more... I've been too distracted. Which is why, I'll be carrying my katana with me today. I'll see if I can find anyone not on a mission and maybe spar.

I walked out of the inn, looking up. It's nearly repaired... And once it is, my debt is repaid and I have to find somewhere else to sleep. I had considered Sasuke's apartment...

But isn't Konoha accepting me too easily? I was affiliated with Orochimaru! Why hadn't Ibiki or anyone come to me yet? Or... Had news about me not traveled as fast as I anticipated?

I think I better turn myself in before things get-

"There you are Rin."

I walked headlong into a flak jacket, "Who- ...Kakashi?"

The Jounin smiled down at me, "Just who I was looking for? Care to take a walk?"

"You don't have a mission with Sasuke and the others...?"

"We finished them," Kakashi nodded his head, "So...are you coming?"

I grinned, "Yeah. Long time no see right?"


"Shall we have a drink before continuing our search?"



"So..." Kakashi flipped open his all-too-familiar-book, "You've been alive ever since only a few days after you died?"


"Wow, I feel a little stupid now. Your blank grave stone probably wasn't even set up at that time. But... How? Was a forbidden jutsu performed?"

I shook my head, "No. Do you remember Ama...? The-"

"Kami, yes, yes I do. I also remember thinking that despite everything she said-"

"-she talked to you-?"

"She was an awful hypocrite by letting you die." His tone was sour by the end. But how did Ama talk to him? When? Why didn't Ama tell me?

Ama was silent on her end. She's been silent for a long time. Maybe she (and HokaNoJiko) were being a little considerate and letting me catch up with everyone.

"Four years ago she was awfully protective of you, like an obsessed mother-"

"W-Well," I protested, "That's because back then I was six! Now...now she isn't as protective because I've grown up. You can't blame her-"

"Yes I can," Kakashi countered coolly, "It's pretty ironic isn't it? She's so protective yet she let you die?"

"I-I r-"

"To be honest Rin, I hate her."

"No!" I shouted without thinking, "Ama...Ama can be a little annoying and stupid sometimes... But it all works out in the end! Besides... Besides..." I thought about Hashirama, not to mention the Sage and his Bijuu... And Susanoo, "Ama has too much to regret anyways. I don't like it...when anybody blames her."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now