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Dedicated to ac138579 for her encouragement to update, and for recommending one of my books to someone else. Thank you ;__;


Some time ago, two children kneeled on the ground, facing each other. There was a heavy silence, shaken only by ragged coughing. The sun was beginning to fall. The grass was wet. One of the two children managed to raise his head and utter something. He smiled. Then the boy quietly fell onto the wet grass.


My voice hitched. Everything, everyone, it's all his fault! It's all his fault! Shisui's eye...my closest friends... My hand shot down to my katana before something hard hit my ankle and I toppled foreword. My hand slipped off the hilt. Two strong arms caught me suddenly. Danzo's. What is he doing? Why is he-

He smiled down at me, "Are you okay, Uchiha Rin?"

I looked up. My face heated up in embarassment. He purposely tripped me...is this how good he is at fighting? I looked down quickly as my vision started to blur, "Get your filthy hands off of me..." I whispered.

HIs voice was laced with amusement, "I'm sorry, I did not quite hear you."

My head snapped up. I screamed, "I said-"


I slowly turned. Sakura was running down the streets, "Rin there you are! I've been worried sick! I-" Sakura caught sight of Danzo. She shyly smiled, "Ah...hello. Was Rin giving you any trouble?"

"No, not at all," Danzo chuckled, "we just happend to bump into each other. Are you her friend?"

"Y-Yeah..." Sakura ran foreword. She spun my face around, and then her eyes widened when she saw that I was crying, "Rin are you okay?"

Danzo was still firmly holding my arms, keeping me from falling onto the ground. I thought of my katana, I thought of my friends. He's right here, he's right here! I wanted to scream, and sink my blade into him. I could feel heavy gasping buildling up in the back of my throat. If I wanted, I could lash out. I want to!

But when I saw Sakura's concerned face, my throat clenched. No. I swallowed hard, biting my tongue to keep myself focused. I shut my eyes tightly, crying. I can't. Not here. I have to contain my emotions. I just proved that I was not a criminal, I can't fight a village elder in Konoha. I can't.. I'm sorry everyone. Umi...Haru... I can't, not today... I swallowed hard, before smiling at Sakura, "I-I'm fine... he was...he was helping me, that's all."

"Oh. I see." Sakura silently took my from Danzo and nodded politely at him, "Well...thanks for taking care of Rin I guess. Sorry for the trouble."

I kept my eyes trained on the opposite street.

"It wasn't any trouble at all," Danzo said, "Nice meeting you Uchiha Rin, have a good night. I hope we meet again."

I was silent as Sakura helped me through the streets. He made a fool out of me... that easily...he was able to just push me away. Damn it! My teeth gritted, was this how Sasuke felt, when Itachi didn't even care about how angry he was? When Itachi just pushed him away like he didn't care? Danzo... I'll kill him. I'll kill him!

Third Person's POV

Rin swung furiously. Her katana flashed as she violently cut up many falling logs.

Rin what are you doing?

"Can't you see?" Rin panted furiously, "I'm training. I need to get stronger. I won't let anyone else push me down again. Every asshole who ruined my life..." Rin kicked a broken log, "I'll kill them!"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now