Plot (2)

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Bwahah! Updated early! Short chapter, but the next update won't be soon, for reasons!




"If you didn't try to carry that much debris at once, then your wrist wouldn't be hurting."

Akira winced as the landlady Nurumi bandaged his wrist, "I can just forcefully heal it with chakra..."

"No!" Nurumi hit Akira on the shoulder, "Ninja should take care of themselves and others with chakra, to prevent injuries, not try to cheat time with it! Stay still!" Nurumi tightened the bandages, "Now, make sure you DON'T MOVE that wrist and DON'T HELP with the reconstruction!"

Akira turned away, "Tch. What do I do then, stay in my room?"


"What?! But that's... No! I can't sit back! Damn it, who needs two hands to clean up a stupid village-" Akira tried to get up but was pushed down again, "Let me go Nurumi-san!"

"Stay down!" The landlady barked, "That's an order!" The woman got up, "If you attempt to leave, I'll beat you senseless!" She slammed the door and left Akira lying on his futon.

Akira looked out the window, "Stupid... Now what do I do? Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan are probably working extra hard now..."


Sunset. Dinner time. Ramen time.

Naruto's stomach growled. He dropped the piece of wood he was holding and ran off smiling.

"Rammeeeen! Ramen ramen ramen!"

He had worked all day. Ever since Akira injured his wrist in the morning, Naruto and Sakura had been working twice as hard. Now however, they could go eat dinner and rest. Finally.

He arrived at Ichiraku's Ramen and ordered a special deluxe. He waited impatiently, watching Teuchi make the ramen. He started to smell the steamy noodles and the meat and vegetables being tossed in. His mouth watered.

"Is it ready yet Teuchi-san?"

"Now now Naruto," the man chided, "feel lucky that my shop did not get beaten down and that you can still eat here. Wait patiently."

"But I've been working all day," Naruto complained, "I'm hungry..."

"You're always hungry, dead last."

Naruto turned, and choked, "You! What are you doing here?! You bastard!" Naruto spat, "We've been working our butts off these days, and you're just gone, lazing around! Even the Akira-brat mentioned-"

Sasuke slid in beside Naruto, "Sugitani Akira was with you?" He asked in surprise.

"Yeah," Naruto argued, "we're fixing up the hotel he's staying in. Why do you care, bastard?"

"No reason, I was just surprised," Sasuke shrugged, "he always struck to me as a loner."

"The only loner here is YOU," Naruto sniffed, "Akira-brat can get social once you're friendly enough... Which is something that YOU, epically failed at. You don't know much about Akira-brat cuz unlike me, you're not his friend."

"Idiot..." Sasuke growled, "the only one who knows nothing about Akira is you. Do you even know why I was yelling at him that night?"

"Because you're an asshole."

"BAKA, no! Naruto, have you ever considered who that kid actually is? You don't find him suspicious anymore?"

"Because I respect him, unlike you teme!" Naruto snapped, "If the kid wants to cover his face and not tell us why he has a sword, the I'll let him!"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now