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So dear readers, let me give you a biography of my life... Talking about how EVIL I am! This is technically an inside joke between Kaida_Tenshi, who I might dedicate this chapter too once I get my computer. But anyways!

See, I finished this chapter exactly one day after I published the last chapter with the cliffy. Then so thought, "I'm too lazy to republish. Besides, who publishes right after a cliff hanger?"

You see Kaida? I was feeling evil on that day.

And this isn't the end! I already finished the next chapter! Kekeke... Feel my wrath, readers, feel my wrath!

Anyways, short chapter, but I think it's kinda funny. Hope you enjoy ^-^/


Naruto stopped at a fork in the forest. Of COURSE there's a fork in the road! Why all the cliche events now of all times?! Ah, but no problem for the great Uzumaki Naruto who could ALWAYS find a solution to everything!

Naruto made a hand seal, "Kage Bunshin no jutsu!" He glanced at his clone, "Alright find the brat and if you find him, yell as loud as you can, or summon a big frog!"

The clone scowled, "Baka, that day was a lucky day. The most we could do right now was summon a tadpole."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! That was NOT a lucky day! I did it out of SKILL! Now get your ass on that path and find the kid!"

The clone saluted, "Ossu!"


"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Akira stood up, "I'm sorry. I...I-"

"Get out if the way!" Sasuke shoved past Akira and knelt at the stones, inspecting them, "What did you do to them?!"

"N-Nothing! I just wanted to see who they were!"

"You call kneeling in front of them, GRIPPING THEM, and putting your damn hair covered forehead ON the stones nothing?! Don't screw with me! Why were you doing that?"

"I-I..." Akira seemed to have forgotten how to speak, "I wasn't..."

"Do you even know what this place is?" Sasuke seethed, "And how much it means to me?!"

"I do know what this is!" Akira protested, "It... Isn't this the graveyard for the fallen Uchiha-"

"Don't call it that so carelessly!" Sasuke shouted, "You have NO IDEA how much it hurts to be the only one left! And hearing other people talk about my clan so carelessly only pisses me off! Don't put your dirty hands and face on this place, especially not on those stones at the front!"

"I'm sorry!" Akira shouted, "I'll leave immediately then!"

"Hold it!" Sasuke barked. His hand latched onto Akira's arm and he tugged backwards, "What are the Uchiha to you anyways?! Why would you put your filthy hands on the stones in the first place?"

"I misread the stone names!"

"Like hell you did," Sasuke growled, "What are you to the Uchiha?"

"Nobody! Now let me go!"

"Answer the question!"

"I WILL run you through with my katana if you don't let to!"

"Bah!" Sasuke spat, "Can you do that to me anyways? Can you bring yourself to?"

Akira became pale, "...what?"

"Just answer the damn question! What is your relationship with the U-"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now