Plot (1)

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Next chapter will be short, so I gave you a longer one X3



"Hey... Hey Sakura-chan!"

"What is it Naruto?" Sakura snapped crossly. They were helping clean up in the village, and were so far removing debris around a part of the village. Both Kakashi and Sasuke were some where else, and the two were the only ones assigned to repairing one particular building. In other words, Sakura was stuck with Naruto and his mouth.

"Well... It's been a day since the funeral, which makes three since we last saw Akira-brat..."

Sakura stiffened and shrugged, "Why are you so concerned with him?"

"Well..." Naruto scratched the back of his head smearing dust all over his blonde hair, "you were knocked out the entire time Sakura-chan... But when we were fighting Gaara, Akira-brat came to help. He didn't help destroy the village after all... And I'm a little worried since he said it himself if you remember..." Naruto looked down, "Akira-brat would die if he tried to save the village. I haven't seen him since the fight with Gaara. Do you think he's..."

Sakura stared at Naruto, the she shrugged, going back to the garbage, "I don't want to think about it..." Sakura looked down, "I'm really happy that he didn't betray us. It's just that if he is really dead, I'm not sure how to take it..."

Naruto chuckled uneasily, "Yeah... Me too... Since I told him it would be better to die following his gut rather than-" Naruto suddenly stopped speaking; a fist had suddenly connected with his face.

Naruto went flying.


Naruto pushed himself up, three glaring bumps rising from his head, "AWW COME ON SAKURA-CHAN! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT GOT ANGRY AT HIM!"


Naruto threw his hands up in the aid, tears streaming down his face, "SAKURA-CHAN," he whined, "IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE STUPID PUNY DUMBASS FOLLOWED MY ADVICE-"

"Who's a stupid puny dumbass?"

Sakura and Naruto turned, "Huh?"


"Wh-What?!" Naruto threw his arms around the new guest, crushing him " Where the HELL were you?! I was so worried, I thought maybe the stupid raccoon Gaara had killed you or something!"

"I just took a nap in the forest," came the muffled voice, "can you let go of me now?"

Naruto pulled away and beamed, "Great to have you back, Akira-brat!"

Although his eyes were covered, Akira smiled, "Yeah..." The tiny boy turned his head to Sakura who immediately looked away, red in the face. The memory of their last night together must still be on her mind, "Sakura-chan," Akira addressed warmly, "I'm glad to see that you're okay."

Sakura's green eyes widened, "Akira... Akira I-"

"So what are you doing here anyways?" Naruto inturrupted, "Where are you staying?"

Akira glanced at Sakura's relived face before sighing? "I live here," Akira said bluntly, "the inn behind you."


"Er yeah, but my room is on the first floor... Which is intact. Besides, I get to stay there as long as I help with repairs..." Akira shrugged, "It was a good deal."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now