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Rin's POV

In the end...Zabuza needed to rest in the hide-out of Gato. We had just got back, Haku and I managed to support Zabuza all the way here. Now, he was in bed, narrow eyes staring at the ceiling. Haku sat beside him and I was sitting at the foot of his bed, my upper torso half-collapsed on the mattress.

"Hey, runt," Zabuza snapped, "get your face off my bed."

"Shut up," I muttered, "I had to carry you all the way here, let me rest a little-"

The door slammed open and I lifted my head. Gato, along with two body guards stormed in. I let my face fall down again, uhh...just when I thought I could sleep for a while...

"Even you came back defeated," Gato snorted, "It looks like Mist ninjas are pretty pathetic... You can't even avenge your men, and you call yourself a Devil? Don't make me laugh... One of your subordinates was even crying...are you all just a bunch of weaklings?"

I silently activated Dansu Tenohira, keeping my face flat on the bed. This stupid man...

I heard the faint sound of katanas being gripped. An attack? At least it's an excuse for me to hurt them. This could get interesting, unless Haku steps in and ruins it all.

"Hold it," Gato said suddenly. I heard him walking past where I was sitting to Zabuza. I turned my head to get a better view.

Gato was reaching to Zabuza's mask. "Hey, how about-"

A hand shot out and gripped Gato's arm tightly. I shied away from Haku who suddenly, had gotten very frightening. His chakra....

"Don't," Haku said quietly, "touch Zabuza-san with your dirty hands!"

Haku's hand clamped tighter and with a sickening snap, he broke the bone under his grip.

Gato gagged, "Uh!" He exclaimed, "You-"

The two bodyguards rushed foreword, drawing out their katanas. In one fluid motion, Haku stood up and yanked the swords by their handles out of the hands of those two. The two men stopped abruptly, the blades of their own swords hovering barely a centimeter from their necks. Haku is so fast...

"I wouldn't do that," Haku seethed, "I'm really pissed off right now..."

I slowly got up and pushed past the body guards. I'm a little curious. I stood face to face with Gato. Then I broke into a smile. I'm actually the same height. Gato leaned away from me, "What are you doing, brat?"

"I could say the same," I said pleasantly, "touching other people's faces is a little rude, don't you think? I was just a little curious...I was wondering who was taller, you or I." I leaned closer, "If I'm lucky, maybe I actually am a little taller than you, Porky."

Gato's unbroken arm swung back for a punch, "Why you-"

"Don't move." I gripped his arm and gently pushed it back to his side, "Because I think you're a jerk, I might slip up and kill you."

Gato stared at me before quickly walking over to his bodyguards. The three of them walked to the door as quickly as they could. Suddenly, Gato whipped around and pointed a pudgy finger, "One more time," he shouted, "I'll give you one more time! If you fail anymore, you're no longer welcome here! Remember that!"

The door slammed close.

I collapsed on my chair and deactivated Dansu Tenohira. Standing up and walking over, as well as using my brain power to scrutinize height difference really took some energy...

Haku sat down in his chair silently.

"You didn't have to do that...Haku, runt." Zabuza lifted his blankets to reveal his giant sword. Typical.

I chuckled, "It was worth it..."

"It's too early to kill Gato," said Zabuza, "If cause a commotion here, they'll be after us again."

Haku smiled, "We must be patient."

Zabuza nodded, "'re right. Runt," he said. When I didn't reply, Zabuza sighed and corrected himself. "Rin."

"Yes?" I said smugly, "What is it?"

"I want you to leave this hide-out and find a place in the village while we take care of this mission. When Gato gets wind that you're dropping out, he'll find no need to restrain himself from killing you."

"I can just kill him," I said quietly.

"Did you not here a word I said before?" Zabuza snapped, "We can't kill Gato yet!"

I crossed my arms, "Fine. I'll just mess around in the village for days for all I care."

"Don't cause a commotion," Haku said quietly, "and come back into the forest every once in a while so we can check on you."

I smiled. Even if both of them shared the same message, at least Haku put it kinder..."Yeah, sure. I guess I'll be leaving now, see you guys in a bit."

I picked up my katana which was on the ground and made a hand seal. I closed my eyes, and slowly opened them. The edge of the village. I had an idea, a good way to keep an eye on Zabuza

I ran through the streets, asking around for that man until finally, I knew his location. I ran up to the door and knocked loudly on it. Five seconds later, it opened and I saw a young woman peering down at me.

"Can I help you?"

I smiled, "My name is Mako and I would like to apply for a job on the bridge!"


Kakashi's POV

Naruto shyly walked over to where Sakura was leaning against her tree. "Hey Sakura-chan?" He said nervously.

"Huh, Naruto?"

Naruto slowly grinned, "Can you give me a few tips?"

I watched the two of them chat and I inwardly sighed. He's going to get stronger and stronger, but how strong? After all Naruto, your chakra surpasses Sasuke, and even mine. This is going to get very interesting...


I know, it's a very short chapter. I just thought I would leave it at that. I shall try to update as soon as I can! You don't have to leave a vote since it's so short...haha...

Happy Wattpadding!


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