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I am sorry for not updating. I was really busy. But hey, after this week it's the holidays! Meaning: writing spree. So please vote, comment and enjoy!

Kakashi's POV


Why are there so many men? Could it be-

"Zabuza," Gato grinned, "I'm going to have you killed right here."

"What?" Zabuza protested.

Gato smirked, "I never planned to give you any money. In fact, I was just using you until you would become...well, useless. Let me explain my entire concept to you." Gato thumped the bridge with his walking stick.

"Normal ninjas are too expensive," he explained, "and they might betray me, seeing how I am a well known gangster. Missing nin's however are basically on the same page as me, and they're powerful. I usually hire those, let them fight normal ninjas, then when they are weak and beaten, I kill them with numbers. This method is clever, efficient, and saves me a lot of money. What do you think?" Gato started to laugh, "Devil of the Hidden Mist? Don't joke around with me. You're just a...cute baby devil."

All the men behind him chuckled, their voices rolling across the bridge. "We can easily kill you now!"



"Now that I have no reason to go after Tazuna," Zabuza said, "I have no reason to fight you. We are no longer enemies."

I looked at the number of bandits, "Yeah..."

Gato started to walk foreword and I stiffened. He approached where I had laid down the child Haku. "Right," Gato shifted, "I owe this one for grasping my hard tightly until it broke." He kicked Haku.

Haku rolled limply.

"Oho, he's already dead."

"YOU BASTARD!" I grasped Naruto by his jacket just as he ran foreword.

"Don't Naruto!" I barked, "Can't you see their numbers?!"

"HEY YOU!" Naruto yelled, "You eyebrow-less freak! Go stop them! Aren't you Haku's friend?!"

Zabuza didn't even bother to look at Naruto, "Shut up kid, Haku is already dead. Just like Gato used me, I used Haku. That is the system of the shinobi world. There are those who use, then those who are used. Haku was used, and I was the user. All I wanted was his blood. It doesn't matter. I don't care anymore."

"Hey," Naruto growled, "do you really mean it?"

He yanked his arm out of my hand. What is he doing? "Hey!" I protested, "You needn't fight Zabuza, he's no longer our e-"

"SHUT UP!" Naruto pointed at Zabuza, "HE'S STILL MY ENEMY!" Naruto glared at Zabuza's back, "Do you really feel nothing?!" He yelled, "HE REALLY LOVED YOU!" Tears started to bud up, "He loved you that much! DO YOU REALLY FEEL NOTHING?! Do you really....not feel anything? When I become strong... Will I become like you!?" Naruto clenched his teeth, "He threw away his life for you! Without his own dream..." Naruto looked down, "to die as a tool, that is just too sad..."

"Kid," Zabuza turned his head, "you needn't say anymore." Zabuza blinked, "It pained Haku to fight you guys. He didn't just fight for me, he fought for you guys. He was too kind." Zabuza sighed. "I'm glad I got to face you guys in the end. Brat, you were right."

Naruto looked up, startled.

"It really is impossible. Shinobi are human no matter how you look at it. We were never and will never become emotionless tools. I have lost. Kid....let me burrow your kunai."

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