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Highschool sucks. Yes, I'm in Highschool. Ahhh! Why is a highschooler writing a fanfiction and still watching anime?!?!?! Anime is equipvalent to any tv show for teenagers. There is swearing, there are mature themes and ideas, like life, and there is gore in animes. Suck it up, you logic-lovers. 

Anyways. About highschool. It sucks. Know why? Because it takes up so much of my time. I used to be able to update every three days, and now look. Every three f*cking weeks. 

Thank you for hanging on and making it this far! Thank you so much for those who vote! And for those who comment, please know that I read them, and appreciate them! 

Anyways, enjoy!


Rin's POV

"So...that's what happened..." I eased my breathing, "Are you hurt, Sakura?"

"No!" She sobbed, "Because Kakashi-sensei saved me...but that's not important..."

We were sitting in the lobby of the hospital. Only a little while ago, Naruto and Sasuke nearly killed each other with their most powerful jutsus. Sakura had come running to find me after it happened. I bit my thumb. Naruto used had used some unkown technique...and the Chidori... I scoffed under my breath, used for the protection of your friends huh, and now look.

This is all Itachi's fault.

Sasuke wouldn't be like this if it weren't for him. If Itachi never came to Konoha, this never would have happened!

My head snapped up. Why was Sakura crying over this? This wasn't any of her business! If anything, I should be the one crying.

"And then Naruto told me to not interfere any more!" Sakura sobbed, "How could he do that? I care for them b-"

"Becuase you nearly died, you idiot!" I snarled. Sakura's face snapped up, "What's wrong with Naruto telling you to mind your own business! Because of your interference, your team mates nearly killed you! How do you think they feel?" I looked down. I have it worse, I have it worse! "Just mind your own business! This doesn't concern you!"

The lobby grew quiet. Sakura seemed to be in shock. I turned red, "R-Rin..." Sakura stuttered, "What am I supposed to do then?"

I felt like I had been slapped.

"I'm sorry," I looked away, "that was a little harsh. Well anyways, I'm going to look for Sasuke. Stop crying, and cheer up." I managed to smile brightly, "Everything will be fine!"

"Kakashi-sensei said the same thing...."

I turned, "What?"

"And now that I think about it, I can't believe either of you!" Sakura stood up, glaring down at me. She grabbed my arm, preventing me from leaving, "You're just trying to brush me away, aren't you? Becuase you think I can't do anything!"

Because you really can't, but I held the thought back, "Let go Sakura."

"Rin, listen to me."

"Sakura...let go."

"I-I think Sasuke is going to leave the village!"

"Let go!" I yanked my arm free, "I told you not to worry! Just go home!"

I turned and left without another word.

For some reason, I felt really sick. My cursed seal was also starting to feel weird. I rubbed my neck absentmindedly. I should find Sasuke soon.

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now