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Akira ran through the forest. His mind racing and plummeting at the same time. Kabuto had allowed him to roam free, that itself was relief, but at the same time... It showed that Kabuto was in complete leisure. If Kabuto could afford to let Akira go wherever he want, did that mean he could kill Akira wherever and whenever?

Right now... That did not matter. Kabuto had gotten so "close" to the Konoha Rookies. He never acted friendly like that. He never, NEVER gave away his personal collected information so easily. Kabuto obviously wanted the trust of the rookies, and that bothered Akira. So for the top priority, Akira ran through the forest, seeking that one team of pestering people...

Sasuke's POV

I made a password, knowing that some creep was watching us under the ground. However, now that we had began walking, his presence disappeared. He couldn't have given up just like that. I'm on edge now. This is driving me crazy.

We slowly walked through the forest when the most traditional thing happened: a twig snapped.

We spun around and the first thing I saw was a very tiny kid who-


had a foot neatly placed in front of him.

Air sagged out of me. Akira... And it looked like he had purposely stepped on a twig or something. For some reason, I can't help but not feel alarmed. Maybe he's just too annoying.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.

"...have you met with anyone else?"

Nice and direct huh?

"It's none of your business you bastard!" I snarled, "What do you want?"

"Have you met with anyone else?" Akira insisted.

I want to kill him.

"Well..." I spun around to see Naruto scratching his head, "there was this weird masked ninja who tied me up. He kept on talking about luck and-"



"Akira is still the enemy!" Sakura roared, "Don't just tell him stuff! Hey!" Sakura glared at Akira fiercely, "You want our scroll, don't you!?"

"Kabuto said that he would take care of our scroll business," Akira said dully, "I have no interest in fighting any of you. I only came to see came across anyone."

"Naruto just said that we only met with one ninja!" I snarled, "You got what you want, now leave!"

Akira tilted his head, "Why are you so nervous, Sasuke?"

"I'm not nervous!"

Akira's mouth twitched.

Then I hurled a kunai at him.


"Oh be quiet Sakura!" I barked, "Akira is still the enemy, just like YOU said! Don't get soft!"

"But you're not fighting either," Akira interrupted, "Not seriously at least. I thought the one liked by all the girls would do more than waste a kunai out of annoyance."

"-why you-"

"I won't fight you anyways," Akira continued, "I don't care about the rules. As long as the rest of my team is taking care of the scroll, I don't have a reason to fight, and the rules of the game don't apply to me."

"This isn't a game!" I shouted, "Stop being so stupid! This is a test, and you're trying to get past the easy way! Don't think that just because you have more team mates means you can act superior!"

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now