Akira and Rin

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Although I am so thankful to all of my readers, this dedication goes to JujuWei :) she recently went on a reading/voting spree that made me feel very...er...well, happy is the only way to put it I guess. If I could dedicate my story, I would dedicate it too all of you guys. Thanks so much!

This story is copyrighted ^ ^ we all know that I don't own Naruto, and that I own any originally thought out idea, this includes OC and any plot changes and add-ons.


Third Person's POV

The Hokage watched Akira shift from foot to foot in front of him. "You are welcome to sit down, you know."

Akira did not move.

"I insist that you sit Akira... This is an honest chat, but that does not mean it will be brief."

Akira still did not move, "With all due respect, the most I want is to get out of here as soon as I can. In my eyes, that would be now."

The Hokage chuckled, "I understand. After Kakashi's violent questioning, I'm sure you are very weary of us."

"There's another reason too."

The Hokage shrugged, "Please sit down. Although I am an old man, I still don't want to force a kid to stand up."

"You aren't forcing me. Can I leave now?"

"Certainly not," The Hokage smiled, "We haven't even started chatting. First, I need to accomplish my goal of convincing you to take a seat."

Akira's throat tightened in frustration. He had tried everything to be as unpleasant as possible, but it seemed like the Hokage had a bottomless pit of patience and amusement. Of course in the past, Akira had already understood that, but in a shallow and naive manner.

Akira finally gave up. The sooner he complied, the sooner he could leave. Akira begrudgingly sat himself down. Stupid old people, they always made the young feel... Stupid.

The Hokage smiled wryly, "First," he said, "I want you to understand Kakashi. You are right now possessing the traits of a close friend to him."

"I know that," Akira cut in sharply, "can we not talk about his friend please?"

"Oh, you mean Uchiha Rin?" The Hokage said.

Akira gritted his teeth, "Yes."

The Hokage gave a quiet laugh, "I knew it, you are very uncomfortable with the topic about 'Rin,' right?" The Hokage took the silence as a yes, "Do you think I can ask why?"

"Definitely not."

"As expected," the Hokage muttered, "you have something to hide about her."

"That is NONE of your business!"

"That is fine," the Hokage put his pipe in his mouth, "I understand you want to guard some secrets." Then he added, "Rin wanted to keep her secrets too." The Hokage smiled, "Rin was a sweet girl, and had her own tiny circle of friends, whom even them I don't think she told everything about herself. There was only Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui... And if I dare flatter myself, me. Of course Rin had her brothers..."

Akira twitched. His throat tightened and his entire body contracted as if stung.

"Please stop talking," Akira said in a dead voice, "I dislike talking about things like that."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow but did not question why, "Child, if you do not allow me to speak of Uchiha Rkn and her previous life, that only leaves me one thing."

"What thing?"


Akira stiffened. Ah. Of course.

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now