Two Days After

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Very short, I know, but important, and it's on one of my favorite parts in the manga and anime TT.TT I will never get over the Hokage's funeral... Watching it again and again..

*ahem* anyways. Yep, important chapter, and as a bonus, there are *gasp* italics! Yes! I finally made the effort >.>" Aaand if the italics don't show, then that means Wattpad messed up.

Enjoy ^ ^~


*Two Days After the Attack

"You did it."

"Congratulations, you puny dumbass. You've gotten over one of your mountains. Just one big-ass one left.... In other words, you still have work to do, so... Wake up."

Rain splattered on his face, and he jerked. His eyes shot open, although they couldn't see anything, because something heavy seemed to be clinging to his eyes and forehead. Something cool was all around him, tickling. But most of all... He felt wet. And cold.

He slowly lifted an arm and winced in pain. His muscles hurt... He raised a hand to his face, and pushed the heavy things off his eyes.

He suddenly saw dull green trees and a gray sky. Showers of drops fell down hypnotically, making him feel like he was surging upwards.

Grass clung to the side of his face.

He blinked.

He was breathing.

He wasn't dead. it worked? But it wasn't supposed to. It was just a throw-away desperate attempt to preserve his life just in case. He was all ready to die when he made his decision, but right now... he was alive?

He gave a wry smile as he stared up at the sky.

Rain drops fell on his face.

He remembered his last conversation with her, the night before the finals.


"When the time comes...since our chakras are mixed... Do you think... Do you think you can maybe mold your chakra into a physical form and..."

"Kill the snake? You are not ready to die yet...are you?"

He looked down, "That... That isn't it. I just... Maybe.,." His voice grew weak, "I wanted to have one more try... At saving everyone and myself...too? I just don't want to... Die."

There was a sigh, "Such a thing may not even be possible. The serpent is quick, and fighting it may even just kill you anyways."

"Please!" He begged, "Maybe, can you please just try? Just a little... Even if it's still a little... Please try..."

There was a pause, "I will try," said a slightly cross voice, "But you... You need to one day become braver in return."


Akira sighed. Thank you...

He slowly sat up, and with a start, looked at the wet grass. There were small splatters of blood around him. Had he really coughed up that much?

But anyways... Was a Gaara in Suna now? And what about Naruto? Sakura? ...Sasuke?


Was it destroyed? Did the invasion succeed or fail? Where was Kabuto and Orochimaru now?

He needed to see.

Akira limped through the forest, picking up his katana which was on the ground and sheathing it. His pace picked up, and then Akira was racing through the forest.

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