Plot (3)

497 29 8

Chapter 29

Er... Tried my best here. Not sure if it's good or not anymore, because I've reviewed it so many times -.-

Enjoy! And please don't forget to vote and comment at the end!



"Is something wrong Kakashi?"

The silver-haired Jounin sighed. He and the other rookie team leaders, as well as Might Gai were sitting around a low table, drinking sake in tiny shot glasses.

"I just saw my team hanging around one of those Iwa girls that were in the Chuunin exams. The Shiga's should be in Iwa already, and besides... It's rare to see my rivaling team all gathered together in the first place..." Kakashi looked up lazily where there was a moth flitting under lamp light, "I just hope they aren't doing anything stupid."



Sasuke's eyes widened, "You-!"

"Sugitani Akira!" Akane leapt foreword, "We're done waiting!" Her hand stretched, "Why don't you just let us see your face-"

Akira shot away from Akane, kicking the door into the inn open and running inside.

"Oh no you don't!" Sasuke snarled. He whipped out a kunai and hurled it at Akira. The tiny boy spun around and caught the kunai before running faster. He turned a corner, and disappeared, "Damn it..." Sasuke hissed, racing after the boy, "this isn't going according to plan. Well come on!" He barked at a stunned Naruto and Sakura, "Follow him!"


Akira nearly tripped, running down the hallway. What was Sasuke doing here? Why was Akane with him? Did he... Did he already know?


Akira gripped the kunai Sasuke had thrown, and turned to hurtle up a half broken flight of stairs just as familiar angry voices started to echo into the hallway.

Akira's foot hit a weak step and suddenly, his foot plunged right through the wood. Akira slammed down a hand to support himself, and he felt his already injured wrist bend back. He hissed in pain, but approaching voices encouraged him to get up and continue fleeing. He shook his wrist and yanked his foot out of the step and gripped the walls, running again.

Akira broke through the stairs and into open air. The second floor. It had been smashed in the invasion, and now only consisted of debris and suspended wooden beams for workers to stand on. Akira ran on to one of them, preparing to jump.


The boy turned around. Naruto ran after Akira until they were standing on opposite sides of the beam.

Akira choked. Naruto... Did he plan this?

"Akira-brat... Stop running," Naruto said with a tired smile, "we're not here to kill you or anything, so please stop running."

But he doesn't understand-

Then a second person burst through, almost falling through the debris, "Akira!"


Akira's throat tightened. Her too? How long, how long had they planned this? This morning when they worked and laughed together, when they both rushed over when Akira injured his wrist, did they do all of this with a plan in mind?

"Akira, I..." Sakura's voice faltered, "We... Sasuke wants you!"

That did it.

"Well tell him to go away..." Akira said in a hoarse voice, speaking for the first time.

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora