S. A.

806 36 22

Short Chapter >.>.... Honestly though, chapters following the mangas are always boring to write yet you can make long chapters. Made up chapters are always more fun but you get shorter ones ;__;

I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing. Forgive me...

The next update will be slower. I like leaving my readers on edge! Fufufu...

Third Person's POV

Kabuto coughed harshly and took a deep breath. His own breath was burning against the roof of his mouth as he breathed. Kabuto looked wearily at the two pills in his hand. Fatigue... He had been working day and night for weeks with hardly any rest. These pills were supposed to be replacements for the lack of sleep but they didn't hold back the fever. Kabuto sighed. At least he was finished now... And on time too. The transfer was complete.

The power was theirs.

Slowly, Kabuto walked through the halls. His coughing continued onwards stubbornly, echoeing down the corridor. Kabuto looked foreword very much to his rest. Right now, this was the last task to do. If his information was accurate, the subject should be awake-

Kabuto pushed open the door. He smiled. Someone was siting up on the medical counter, doubled up. Something splashed from the person's mouth on to the ground. There were quiet retching sounds and gagging. 

"Good morning," Kabuto smiled, "I see that you are awake. It's been a long time. How do you feel? Any discomforts?"

The person looked up wearily with tired eyes, despite having rested for a ridiculous amount of time. They narrowed in slight confusion, and Kabuto frowned as he noticed something above one of the eyes. 

Kabuto walked up to the medical table, carefully walking around the mess on the floor. "Well anyways. I need to run a few check ups later. You can stay in here until you're comfortable. Oh and by the way," Kabuto gave a dark smirk unseen by the child, "your name is Sugitani Akira. You remember that."

"Sugitani... Akira?" The person whispered incredulously.

"That's right," Kabuto smirked, "is there something wrong?" Kabuto caught sight of the person's blank face and sighed. "...trauma..."

"No," the person suddenly said. The voice cracked, like it had been unused. "No... Trauma. None."

Kabuto adjusted his glasses. "Very well then. I'll see you later Akira. Remember to stay in the room. Don't wander around. No doubt you are confused right now. Don't worry. Lord Orochimaru will pay you a visit sometime later. He'll explain everything."

The door swung shut and the person was left in darkness. The person, Akira, suddenly doubled over again. Nothing came out, but there was intense pain. In the darkness, the hoarse voice spoke out. "What the heck happened...? What the hell is Akira? Doesn't that mean 'high energy' or something..... Stupid..."

Then, "I feel sick..."

Kabuto swallowed the pills with some water. To think he would have to take additional medication because of this fever. He breathed deeply. At least it was finished now. He should be able to have some actual sleep after today. He looked foreword to it.

Kabuto politely knocked on a door.

"Come in."

Kabuto heavily pushed the door open. Inside, his master was standing quietly. He saw the back of the master and notcied the master's arms moving, like his hands were working on something. That of course, was no surprise, the master was always working on something. 

"Was it a success?"

"Pretty much," Kabuto answered, "but I think my lord should go fill in the empty answers later."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now