Chapter 32 (untitled)

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Yep o.O I got lucky. This ONE city that I am temporarily staying at allows Wattpad XD but after this update, I shall become invisible again! *flutters away*



Naruto gaped at the nurses, "You mean Sakura-chan and Akira-brat... Disappeared without telling me?!"

"W-Well disappearing is a little far-fetched," one of the nurses laughed nervously, "let's just say they were discharged earlier than predicted.... Especially Sugitani Akira-"

"But the village is so friggin big!" Naruto tore at his hair, "DAAAMN ITTTT! And now I have to find them myself! Aargh!" He ran out without second thought, leaving the nurses behind.

" Can you believe that's actually the nine-tails brat?"

"He's way too hyper to be a demon."


Rin's POV (at last T.T)

"You need to get out of this room."

Get out? But I like it here.

I glanced at Sakura who had just opened the door. For some reason she had a small cloth bag today... And a slightly excited smile.

But I still did not want to go out, no matter what she would do to try to convince me.

Sakura plopped down, "We don't even know if Sasuke-kun is in the village!"

And what if he is? Then what? I run again?

"I like it in here," I said stubbornly, "and I don't want to see him."

"Because you think he'll kill you?"

"It isn't a very pretty thought."

"You're his little sister!"

A little sister who had her neck snapped in front of her brothers. Sasuke would definitely accept me with that pleasant memory.

Sakura... I'm not sure about her feelings about me being Sasuke's sister. I don't know. She's been acting so friendly that I can't tell. I'm glad I didn't tell her any details. I know she is loud, and I know she would challenge Sasuke about it. She doesn't need to know about a past life that I don't want to think about, or the rest of my family...

I didn't tell Sakura about...well, Haru... Or Umi either. I wanted to keep that to myself for now. They're both two people only I would understand.

Ama too. Not yet. Sakura probably doesn't even know about Naruto being the nine-tails. I don't even know how Sakura would react if I told her I had already died once. Even if Sakura knows I'm Sasuke's family, she doesn't understand the other side of this; she never will.

Then there's Kakashi... Is he going to tell Sasuke, assuming he's with him?

"Aki-" Sakura stopped herself, "Rin. So I've been thinking... How long have you been tailing Sasuke?"

Tailing... Like stalking? "I never purposely tailed him," I said bluntly, "he just... Always appeared in my way."

"B-Because... You see once I went on a mission with my team to the Land of Waves... And there was this girl who was helping. We only met each other for less than ten minutes but... Are you Mako?"

...Mako? Who's- ah. Wait. I remembered a distinct memory of an old man yelling that at me. Of course. I grimaced. The place where Haku and Zabuza died. I smiled at Sakura, "I guess I'm caught."

"Well what were you doing over there?! Was Orochimaru ordering you there are or something?"


(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ