Speak, Be Honest

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>.< sorry for any awkward time skips, I seem to be really bad with those... Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

This story is copyrighted, you know what I own and goodness, we ALL know what I don't own.


Nope, I'm not going to see Tenten.

Haha, definitely not.

Akira sat on the top of the Hokage monument, legs dangling off the edge.

No one should notice him here. He was too small for someone standing only a few meters away to notice him, and with the height he was above the village, he was completely invisible.

There was a constant wind from the height Akira was. Many times, the wind would blow Akira's bangs aside and he would panic, only to realize that no one could see him. Besides, it felt good to have wind blow around his eyes again. Akira smiled.

Konohagakure... It was so big with its multitudes of different buildings. It was a great view, and it made the village look impossible to crush.

Ah...his thoughts always returned to that daunting future. Akira had done everything he could. He indirectly warned the Hokage, and of course the old man was smart enough to comprehend, but no, he had "already sent the invitations."

To hell with the invitations!

Akira needed to do something, but the possibilities looked bleak. He was no apt to loose anything, and that included his home, his friends, and his life, which would be lost if he intended to save the previous options.

Procrastination. That was the only thing Akira could think of. At the beginning of the exams he had thought "I still have three tests to do something." Then after the Forest of Death had had thought, "I still have the Third Test to do something." And now... His thoughts were always, "I still have one month."

Well, what the hell are you going to do after one month?

"So you're the one who was pestering Tenten."

Akira jumped. He hadn't sensed the person at all. Someone who can hide like that...

Akira slowly turned his head, "You are..." His mind ran through the names of the prelims, "Hyuuga Neji?"

"Yes," the Hyuuga said darkly, "and you're the ten year old liar."

A bucket of cold water dunked itself right on Akira, "...what?"

"There is no such thing as a ten year old who graduated the Academy," Neji said, "I am personally very surprised that the Hokage has not taken you aside."

"He has actually," Akira pointed out with equal hostility and venom, "what do YOU want?"

"Tenten asked me to go search for you," Neji said stiffly, "but I am really wondering how she, among others, are so friendly to you. You are clearly a threat. The fact that you cover your face means you have something to hide. Not to mention, when you walk, you're always-"

"I get it," Akira cut in sharply, "are you trying to do what you did to your cousin to me? Do you really think you're going to mentally traumatized me like you did to that stupid girl?" He was angry now, "I get it. I don't need your observation skills to tell me anything. Unlike your cousin, I have completely accepted what I hate about myself.

"I know I'm a liar. I know I'm only pretending. I know I'm not that much of a good person everyone thinks I am. I know that. Don't act so arrogant, thinking you can just name everything about me and what, become a wise person? The Sage of Six Paths? Don't make me laugh," Akira hissed, "I don't intend to meet with Tenten today. I never planned to make any friends. Now get lost."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now