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Happy Holidays! What did all of you do to celebrate?

I went to Boston for a little while
^ ^~

Rin's POV

They say you had to sense killing intent to dodge an attack if you had your eyes closed. There would be a wave of heat, intensity. It overwhelms, it washes over you like a rushing wave. In a fight, you know to avoid it.

But if you felt that someone was wanting to kill you, wouldn't you want to know why? When you are not in a fight, you are emotionally drawn to the intent.

I....was drawn to the intent.

I could not see anything, but the aura was so strong, that I could definitely distinguish the shape and formation of it. It felt like a venomous mist.

The darkness slowly flitted away.


The light hurt. It was blaring, hovering just above my face. I was suddenly aware that I had eyes, and they blinked several times. White. I feel... Comfortable. A bed? Then... Gleaming plastic bags hanging over my head carrying...water? I wrinkled my nose. Who carries water in tiny plastic bags? Why are they all linked... To me?

Water. I need it.

Then I realized that my lips weren't cracked anymore. My throat wasn't burning and my skin wasn't rough. The desert was gone. I was in a room with plastic bags of water attached to me.

I don't want plastic bags of water attached to me. That's just weird. I slowly pulled the tubes out and winced. Ah...I should be careful. I gathered a little bit of chakra and began to heal myself. Soon, the holes in my arms were sealed.

I slowly got up. I looked down. I was wearing what I was wearing when I first left for the desert, but my cloak was gone. Maybe it was too dirty so someone discarded it. But who? My feet touched the floor and I winced when the cold tiles shocked me. Slowly, the soles of my feet padded across the floor. I pushed apart the curtains and warm yellow light fell through. I looked outside. I was greeted by a surprising scene. The desert wasn't gone like I thought it was. I just wasn't in it...technically. Wherever my room was, it was in the midst of the desert. There were tall round buildings, and a constant dusty wind was blowing through. I could see people.

A village. I was in a village. In the desert. With sand. Then surely... I was in Sunagakure?

How did I make it here? Didn't I sink my face into a frying pan or... My hand went up to my cheek. It didn't feel burnt. Then...

I passed out. So...

I flushed.

Someone must have carried me.

Crap. Crap. Crap! Damn it! That's embarrassing! I didn't want to be carried by anyone!

I found my shoes under the window and tucked them on. Going through the hallway will cause some trouble so-

I unlocked the widows and pulled them up. A hot wind blasted me sharply.


I can see why Suna people never open their windows now.

I placed a foot on the window sill and leaned out. The village is so big... And the-

The aura. I thought it was just a dream, yet here it was. I was still drawn to it. It was pulsing from a section in the village. Who would know me in the village? Who would want to kill me so badly that his aura would spread and pulse so widely?

"I would not go there if I were you," Ama said amusedly, "I will not guarantee your death but I will not guarantee your safety either."

"Do you know the person?" I said curiously.

"Very well," Ama was hiding a smile in her voice, "child hood friends."

I closed my eyes, "Yeah," by then, my voice was thick with sarcasm, "you never really defined your 'childhood' age before. What is it? Three years? A hundred years? A thou-"

Then I realized.

Childhood friends: a long long time ago: close to immortal being

"........bijuu?" I perked up weakly, "What is a beast doing in a village full of people?"

"If it were actually in a village," HokaNoJiko growled, "why can't you SEE it? Think, runt, think."

"Don't call me a runt!" I barked, "Especially when you're the exact same size as me!"

"HokaNoJiko is right," Ama said softly, "The bijuu is technically not present. It has been sealed inside a human container."

"Then..." I furrowed my brow, "how is the beast's consciousness reaching out to me?"

"It is reaching out to me, actually," Ama corrected, "but you, being my host, can sense it. We have been together for a long time. Whatever comes to me, comes to you too."

"I want to go there," I said suddenly, "I've never met another host before. I'd like to see one."

"Rin," Ama warned, "the host of a demon is far different from the host of a kami. It will not be safe."

"I have you," I said quietly, "I don't think I'll die. It's not like the beast can get out easily right?"

"Depending on the will of the host," Ama said dryly, "If the host has nothing against you, I suppose he or she will not attempt to kill you and accidentally release the beast inside of them."

"That's good," I decided, "since no host actually knows me, they'll have no reason to want to kill me either." Then I leapt out of the window.

The hot air rushed at me. It's humid and thick...hard to take in.... This is what happens when there are no trees in a village. My sandals finally hit the top of a building and I bounded off into the midst of the aura.

As I hurtled past buildings, I sensed the border of the aura approaching.

I closed my eyes and ran into it.

The moment I leapt in was the moment I fell.

My arm collided with the sandy ground, white streaks appearing on the skin as I skidded. There was a pause before I regained by senses. When I realized I was on the ground, I also felt like there was a giant weight bearing down on me.

My hands scraped the ground as I pushed myself back up. I coughed. What the with this aura? It's so pressuring that my legs can't even stand properly. My arms shook. This too strong. If there are nine beasts and every single one of them hate does she withstand the hatred? Surely... Surely at least one of them don't hate her?

"I do not know," Ama said softly, "I have not been able to speak to any of them for a long time. However I suspect that as long as they are forced into a human container, they will continuously try to find blame. Rin, you have now felt the hatred. I suggest that you get away from the source. I do not want you to get hurt."

"No," I said firmly, "neither the host or the beast knows me right? I.... Can't I just ask the beast why he hates you?" I begged.

"I already told you why," Ama sighed, "you know-"

"The Sage of Six Paths was a mortal!" I said heatedly, "It doesn't matter whether the tailed beasts loved him or not, he was going to die anyways! It couldn't have possibly been your fault!"

"What of the sealing of the tailed beasts?" Ama challenged.

I fell silent, "The beasts wanted to go to earth. You granted THEIR wish," I growled, "it wasn't your decision to get some humans that were afraid of the beasts."

"Rin," Ama sighed, "I really appreciate your sympathy but I really do suggest that you do not go there. There are no questions that need to be asked. It has been over two hundred years-"

"JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A GOD," I yelled, "doesn't mean you can't get hurt! Stop acting all mighty already! I already know the fact that the bijuu hate you is painful, so stop pretending! As much as you're immortal, you're pretty human too! So STOP! I HATE YOUR ACTING!" I drew a breath, "It's....annoying..."

Ama didn't reply.

I was glad she didn't.

The sky was already darkening. My shadow was five times my height now. Had I really been contemplating for so long?

"I still need to try." I pushed my self onto my feet and ran down the street.

Damn's like trying to run through water... This aura is too thick and too large to be possible. It would drive someone insane. Insanity....

I shook my head. I will definitely make it.

I started squinting my eyes so tightly that the surrounding buildings were squished into hazy yellow blobs. I kicked up dirt so that the sensation of feet hitting the ground would keep me awake. I'm nearly's getting more intense...

I was so concentrated at keeping myself awake that I nearly ran past a man on the ground.

-A man-!?

My feet skidded on the ground and I swerved in a panic. There really was someone on the ground. He was a shinobi. Huddled, shivering, gasping. I slowly walked to the man. What a... Pitiful sight for a ninja. Even the shinobi that fight for their villages must crumble under this aura huh?

I was right. This aura could really drive someone insane. I stopped in front of the man. His eyes looked like they were forced open, or maybe they were just unable to close? His mouth opened and closed slightly. Then... There were the tears. I have never seen a man cry before. Especially...not this heavily. He needed to get out of here, I didn't know how long he would last.

"Mister!" I said over the silent street, "Mister get up!"

He wouldn't move, or acknowledge my existence. I kept on shouting for him, but he was lost. So, I promptly took a kunai from his holster and jammed it into his shoulder. The man yelled in pain and his eyes focused.


"Mister you need to get up," I yanked the kunai out, "can you stand?"

The man looked at me. "Who are-"

"Can you stand?" I pressed, "You need to get out of here, but I cannot carry you. Can you stand?"

"Y-Yes, I-I think so-"

Then there was a scream. The man winced. Another victim to this insanity? The scream got louder, wailing rhythmically. Sometimes it was even strangled. I've never heard such an agonizing scream before. I've once heard Sasuke's. I've heard my own. I've heard...Haru's when he got experimented on... But they would not compare to what I was hearing now. Whoever was screaming, I needed to help.

"I leave you here," I said to the man. He nodded feebly, but that was enough. I got up and quickly ran down the deserted streets.

I wonder where everyone went. Perhaps they had fled already. But that scream, it sounded young, like a kid's scream. I guess the child really couldn't endure the insane aura. I wouldn't. The only reason I possibly could now, would be because I have Ama who has equal power against the aura. I winced as the scream sounded again.

The aura got stronger.

Quite soon, my teeth were clenched and chattering. I was forcing deep breaths through my mouth as I hugged my chest tightly.

I burst through an alleyway and stopped running. I couldn't even go any further. The eye of the storm. I had reached it. And right in the middle, was the one who was screaming.

The screaming victim to the insanity, was the emitter itself.

Kabuto's POV

Orochimaru folded his hands. "Because of your Feudal lord, Suna and the Wind Country has been running into budget problems with itself and Konoha."

"What are you trying to suggest?" The Kazekage growled, "I don't trust you."

We were in his office. The Kazekage sat at his desk with a man beside him. Baki, was the man's name. These people were so disrespectful to Lord Orochimaru. They clearly do not know how easily Orochimaru could kill them then and there. Still... Orochimaru-sama was having an easy time keeping his composure. He continued smiling and being... Drastically polite.

"I understand," Orochimaru-sama leaned back in his chair, "I am a missing-nin after all, and you are a Kage. But I have a honest preposition: why don't we take advantage of the upcoming Chuunin Selection Exams..."

The Kazekage narrowed his eyes, "You mean the one in three weeks?"

"Yes," I piped up confidently, "the one time, when shinobi from all over the continent can gather without any suspicion."

"You are infiltration?" Baki growled.

"Better yet," I smirked, "complete destruction."

The Kazekage and Baki's eyes widen. "That's impossible! We do not have enough men! And... Why choose a country that is allied with Konoha? You could have headed to Iwagakure!"

Orochimaru-sama spread out his hands, "I am a thinking man, Lord Kazekage. I take advantage of the situation. The Wind Country, a country who lacks money because of Konoha. Destroying Konoha will benefit you just so much. Not to mention," Orochimaru leered foreword, "about your earlier concern: why fret over numbers, when you have an ultimate weapon?"

Baki started foreword, "What do you mean? We can't just release Gaara in the middle of the-"

"But you can," Orochimaru-sama tilted his head, "what is to prevent that?"

"That is... That is..." Baki hesitated.

"Exactly." Orochimaru smiled, "You get your ultimate weapon to 'take' the exam, then in the final round, have him release the beast inside and," Orochimaru-sama leaned back, "Your budget problem is gone, and the village I hate is wiped off of the face of the continent."

"Gaara..." The Kazekage closed his eyes, "is very difficult to control."

"That is no problem," I suddenly said. I smiled at Baki and the Kazekage, "because we brought along our own little weapon."

The second I said that was the second I sensed a terrifying amount of chakra. The Kazekage stiffened and looked out the window.

"Gaara..." He muttered, "Excuse me. I need to go-"

Then there was a large explosion that shook the entire room. Gaara huh? I smiled. He really is a beast then. The Kazekage slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "Baki," he commanded, "follow me. And you two," the Kazekagd scrutinized at us, "if you are true to your words, you may follow as well."

Orochimaru-sama glanced at me with a smirk, "Let us follow, Kabuto-kun."


Third Person's POV

Gaara's throat was raw from screaming, yet he still continued. He could not help it, whatever was inside him was driving him insane. Insanity was his most common emotion, yet it felt so disgustingly new.

"Hello?" Yelled a voice.

All at once, the pain stopped. Whatever had caused the pain, had not ceased its rage, but only bit it back. The insanity left over however, was still raging inside Gaara. He would snap at any moment. Right now, all he wanted was to let his frustration out.

"Ah...the aura is gone..." Came a soft voice.

What aura? Gaara slowly raised his head. The second he caught sight of the person's face, a girl's face, his insides clenched. For some reason... The sight of the person's face made him sick.

The girl ran to where Gaara was on the ground. Panic overtook the boy and he yelled out, "Don't come any closer!"

The girl's foot steps stopped.

Then they started again.

"I SAID DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Gaara screamed.

"Why... Are you afraid of strangers?" The girl took one more step closer, "I'm even tinier than you, and you're afraid?"

"Just stay away!"

"Then..." The girl tilted her head, "if strangers are so frightening....let's," the girl stuck out a hand, "cease being strangers." The hand was only two inches from where Gaara was. The girl smiled, "My name, is Rin."

Gaara froze. That name. From that memory that Gaara had held on to....

"You feel hated and alone, don't you? You shouldn't think that way. I know someone who is probably the same as you, the host of something powerful. I'll tell you a secret, my sister is sad and lonely and lacking friends just like you. Her name is Rin, remember that and perhaps you two can become friends in the future."

What was that? Who was that bastard? I'll kill him... I'll kill him! Rin... Do they really think I'll become 'docile' just because some other person like me shows up? Do they think I'm that weak?

Lies...of course I am alone. It doesn't matter if I have 'similarities,' with others. I was born a monster and that's the end of it. Does that idiot really think a single girl would make a change?

I have been lied to already. I won't be lied to again.

I'll show them the meaning of my existence...I'll kill her too.

And then with those memories, Gaara's mouth slowly twisted into a smile. He reached out like a blind man, and his sand followed. A low growl escaped from the back of his throat. "You finally came...."

Rin's POV

"Rin, get away from him!"

My eyes widened at HokaNoJiko's sudden voice. "What?"

"This is bad...retract your stupid hand shake Rin, and get your ass out!"

I started to notice that the air was becoming thick with sand. I stared at the boy. I knew he was the emitter of the aura, but this time, the fresh hatred wasn't the hatred of the aura.

"Shukaku has hid himself..." Ama whispered, "this is the boy."

But we don't even know each other!

"Rin, run away!" HokaNoJiko yelled. "This guy has gone insane!"

"Finally..." He said lowly, "after four years! You came, Rin! You thought you would humble me, didn't you!?"

What was this person talking about?

I watched the sand at the corner of my eyes, "What are you-"

"WELL YOU'RE WRONG!" The boy screamed. The sand exploded and my hand reached for my katana... That wasn't there. I had no weapons.

The sand hit me in the side and I was sent skidding on the ground. "What the heck?" I shouted, "Why are you trying to-"

"MY EXISTENCE," the boy roared, "WILL NEVER CEASE ITS MEANING! And I'll kill prove to that ninja, and to the world! I won't be humbled! I won't be comforted! I REFUSE!"

What... Are all hosts like this?

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Yes you do!" The boy sent another onslaught of sand, "You look down on me!"

He thinks I pity him?

A wave of sand came and I shielded my face.

Is trying to befriend a stranger in pain a form of pitying?

I winced as some of my skin got cut.

Is there a difference between care and pity?

The sand was like steel. It was so compacted. Every blow was like a boulder. At this rate I'm going to get seriously injured. This boy... Why did he hate me? Why did he know me? Why does he want to kill me so desperately?

What did I do wrong?

I looked at my hands. Ah...I'm coughing up blood now...

Then a barrel of sand hit me in the stomach.

I crashed into a building, chunks of it rained down, even falling on my head. Sand swirled around the boy as his grimace deepened into a mad, satisfied smile.

I wasn't pitying you.

"Your low will to fight," HokaNoJiko shouted inside, "is going to get us both killed you damn idiot!"

Ama... Are all hosts this way? I thought the beast only hated you... I only sought to understand, so why does the host hate me too? What did I do wrong? I can't die here. Not in a pathetic situation like this.

Ama, I'm sorry. I know the beast must have been your friend, but your chakra is the only I can use. I activated Amaterasu's eyes. My Dansu Tenohira flared, and I pushed it to higher power.

I watched the boy's green eyes. What a blank green... It's so unlike the green eyes of the person I knew. I swallowed. I felt some cold sweat. Then I realized.

This boy scared me. He really did. Suddenly, I felt like I had to result to any means to survive.

I charged foreword, slamming my Dansu Tenohira into the sand. The force of it knocked me back. As my hand gently touched the walls of some buildings, they exploded. I won't die here. If I have to beat the crap out of this guy, so be it.

But what was wrong with him? He's insane. He's an insane person. Why does he want to kill me so badly?!

"Damn it!" I shouted, "JUST STOP ALREADY!"

Third Person's POV

The Kazekage and three others quickly leapt through the village where the explosions were happening. Orochimaru slowly smiled.

Oh dear, he thought, Rin's chakra is all over the place.

"My son is fighting someone," the Kazekage growled, "and now he's blowing up half the village! If we don't hurry...Shukaku might be released!"

Orochimaru's smile only grew wider.

The Kazekage started to summon some gold dust. Masses of it started to appear around him. "Baki," he commanded, "when we arrive, I want you to stay back. Only I can hold Gaara, no... Shukaku back."

"We'll deal with the other person," Kabuto offered cheerfully, "we know what to do too."

"Why would you?" Baki growled, "Have you come into possession of a Jinchuuriki?"

"No," Kabuto, "technically, no. Do you want our help or not? I doubt you can hold two large powers off alone."

Baki scoffed, but kept silent. Another explosion ran through the village.

"Baki," The Kazekage shouted, "just forget it! We need to focus on getting to Gaara!"

Mean while, the two were still fighting. At first Rin was only on a light defensive, but as Gaara soon realized that Rin would always manage to survive his light attacks like a cockroach, he became more aggressive. The sweeps of sand became more and more larger. Rin was forced to use more and more power then suddenly, she wasn't on only defensive anymore. Rin was forced to attack Gaara, to weaken him.

Rin's Heavenly Seal had long since activated on it's own. She had also released the first ring on her Amatetasu Seal.

Rin panted. "Hey-" she began.

"SHUT UP!" Gaara's left arm and face was completely transformed. His hand was giant and claw-like with cracked yellow skin as if it were molded from dry earth.

Gaara charged foreword, his left arm bringing all the sand with him. Rin leapt back and pushed her Dansu Tenohira to the highest. This is it, she thought. This is the best I can do for this insane person. Any more and I'll lose it.

Rin ran foreword with her hand raised. Their hands were going to collide and cause an explosion, if a wall hadn't interfered first. Rin was thrown back and strong arms gripped her tightly. Rin stared at the wall, it was glittering. Then suddenly, it collapsed into millions of tiny particles. When the dust cleared, there was the boy that Rin was fighting against, reverted back to his normal form. Behind him, was an older man who was almost identical.

"Gaara," the man said stoically, "what do you think you are doing?"

The boy winced, but gave a low growl.

Rin looked behind her to see Kabuto. "Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Kabuto smiled, "It appears that you got into a quarrel with a Jinchuuriki. Very unwise Rin...your Heavenly Seal even activated...."

Rin slowly turned her eyes to the boy. So his name was Gaara all along... Gaara's flat green eyes were still fixed on Rin.

"What the hell..." Rin breathed, "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?"

"PROBLEM!?" Gaara screamed back, "THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW! WHY?" He shouted, "I never chose to become a monster! I never did anything wrong! So what was my problem? Why does everyone hate me?"

"Oh I don't know!" Rin shouted sarcastically, "Maybe if you stopped impulsively killing anyone you liked, people would open up to you!"



"Enough!" The Kazekage roared. He glared at Rin, "Who are you?"

"None of your business!" Rin struggled against Kabuto, "And as for you!" Rin directed her eyes back to Gaara, but she wasn't talking to him. "You're stupid! Why do you hate her?! It's not like... It isn't like she was the one who willingly sent all nine of you idiots here!"

Orochimaru who was standing in the back narrowed his eyes. He was hearing some interesting things. "Rin, enough," he called out.

"Let go of me Kabuto!"

"Not possible," Kabuto said pleasantly, "calm down first."

Rin breathed deeply, but complied. She turned around before muttering "Freaky idiot..."

That made Gaara snap. "DON'T CALL ME A-"

"GAARA!" The Kazekage shouted, "You will calm yourself and cease your rage! Now!"

Gaara's eyes grew wide and he bit down on to his tongue until blood ran. He swallowed the iron. His hands shook and he brought them to his face. So badly now... So badly did he want to kill the man he's supposed to call "father." And that stupid little girl... He killed grown men so many times, so why couldn't he crush such a tiny stupid human? She was like a cockroach. Scuttering around and unable to be killed...but cockroaches couldn't speak. That was what annoyed Gaara the most. Her stupid voice and her stupid words.

Gaara gave a final snarl at the retreating back of Rin before he made a hand seal and disappeared.

Gaara appeared at the outskirts of the village and held his head. "What was his problem?" What kind of question was that? That stupid girl had no right to ask such a question. She knew nothing. Ignorant. Stupid girl.

Rin's POV

"THIS is the one you were talking about? Because of her, Gaara nearly lost control! Two Jinchuuriki in the same place!?"

I'm not a Jinchuuriki. My name is Rin. I am helping my friend Ama. Don't call me that stupid name. That's for bijuu hosts. That name... Is for freaky idiots like Gaara.

I closed my eyes. We were at a large round table with a bunch of elders. I skirted my chair as far as possible from everyone. Everyone had just settled down, though the Kazekage and Baki did so begrudgingly. I swallowed. What was with this? They didn't tell me anything. They only looked at me. I glanced at Orochimaru who was politely greeting the elders. What the heck was he planning? He took me all the way here to Suna from Oto and now he wouldn't tell me anything?

I assumed everyone already knew about the fact that I had something. I hope they don't know that it's Ama. I don't want people coming after her.

"Rin," Kabuto said suddenly, "please step outside."

"What for?"

"Just step outside."

I got out of my chair and slowly backed away, keeping my eyes on Kabuto suspiciously.

"Good," Kabuto smiled, "now take one-hundred steps away. Don't even think about eavesdropping."

"You drag me here to Suna, and now you tell me to go away?"

"Just go. There is a hotel two blocks east from this building."

I slammed the door as hard I could. I'm so confused right now. What was the use of me being in Suna, if my presence was unneeded? To head outside... I don't want to come across that Gaara person ever again. He's terrifying, a psychopath.

Stupid Gaara. I didn't even have anything against him until he tried to kill me FIRST. First.

"You were the one who approached him even though you were told not to."

Yes HokaNoJiko, but the thing is that I approached to help Gaara, not to set off his inner bomb or something.

I got to the exit door with a sigh. I rested my forehead on the wood. I better conceal my chakra signature. If that stupid guy is still out there to kill me, he'll try tracking me down. Two blocks east of the entrance...I turned to my right and ran down the dark streets of Suna. There were still stragglers in the streets, but they didn't bother me. It was Gaara who bothered me.

I stopped in front of the directed hotel. From one look I could tell that it was one of the best. Since when did Orochimaru have so much ryo? What in the world would an S-Rank criminal do with money?

The walls unlike the rest of the village were completely white. There were paper lanterns and even a statue of a pretty woman gesturing inside. I took a deep breath and pushed open the doors. The first thing I noticed was the perfume. Then it was the elaborate cushions and the front The desk was polished wood with fancy plants and lamps. The lady sitting at the desk was really pretty too. I'll bet her appearance was supposed to commercialize the inn to male customers...

I approached the desk. Then I frowned. Why...I can't even rest my chin on the table without heaving myself onto my toes. I'm so short, damn it. I pulled myself up. The lady glanced at my face and raised an eyebrow.

"Welcome. Where are your parents?"

I could have hit her if I wanted to, because now my contract triggered tears are going to come.

"I came with two men," I managed to say calmly, "one with glasses and one with long hair. They might have concealed their faces."

"Ah!" The woman sat up, "Those two huh? Are they your adoptive parents?"

You wish.

"No," I smiled, "just my companions. They told me to wait for them in this hotel. May I have the keys?"

"Um...sure. May I have your name? You know... Just to get familiar." The lady handed me the keys.

I blinked. "Mako," I said easily, "and thank you."

I walked down the halls. Many people dressed in bright, neat uniforms hurried past, their arms laden in towels. What a lovely place, I can even feel the steam coming from where there are probably indoor bathing areas.

Bathing...I flushed. I understand the fancy water and bath part with the rose petals and stuff, but I really can't imagine why people don't mind all getting together in the same space... I'd rather just have my own little bathtub.

As I passed the large frosted-glass sliding door to the bathing area, I felt the steamy rose scent. I sniffed deeply. It's been too long since I could smell such a thing. My typical bathing session consisted of a waterfall, and a natural pool. Oh right, then there were the fish that nipped at my feet. The smell was always musty and... Like a forest. It wasn't too bad, but it lacked interest.

The bathing area fell behind and the air instantly cleared. Now, it was just an entire row of wooden doors with an occasional tall vase.

I soon found the door number that matched my keys. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. The first thing I saw was a sitting room surrounded by fancy paper walls with wood frames. In the center was a low tea table surrounded by cushions.

Past the sliding doors was one bedroom and one bathroom.

One. Only.

I banged my head on the wood. I refuse to sleep in the same room as those two freaks. I refuse. Why only one bedroom? They have enough money for this fancy inn, so why not another bedroom? That's it. I don't care. I'm sleeping in the tea room. I don't care if I get cold.

Outside it's so dark. The dim lights of the village were dotted around. Sometimes, when a wind ridden with dirt rolled by, it looked like the lights had gone out for a second. Thus, the entire village looked like it was twinkling. Very pretty. I don't know when Kabuto and Orochimaru will be back, so maybe I can... I blushed and hugged myself. Bathe? I'm really curious to how it is... As stupid as it sounds. I haven't had anything village-like for a long time.

I dug through the closets in the walls and sure enough, I found traditional clothing. I pulled out the smallest size I could find, then I smiled. I really liked traditional clothing. It was loose and had the layers that I liked. Like Haru's tastes... I stared at the fabric. Umi, Haru... I frowned. Ah right... I should get some slippers.

In fifteen minutes, I was in front of the grand frosted-glass door, biting my lip. Okay... I think I'm ready. I had a towel, a face towel, my clothing, slippers....I feel like I'm out for survival. My hand touched the door then I froze. I'm scared. Ever since Suigetsu, I had become wary of naked people. This is the woman's baths...right? Yet even though everyone would be the same gender... How awkward can it be? Just sitting in the same place, not even two meters spaced out...

I breathed the rosy scent. Okay Rin, you'll survive. Time to open the-

A crowd of noisy older girls shoved past me, opening the door. I was swept in with them in a flurry of elaborate fabric and long hair. I twirled around many times, lost. One though stuck out in my head however: How rude of them.

By the time I found where I was, the hallway had disappeared. This was exactly like the inn's lobby, only so much more peaceful. There were quiet fountains and I could hear distant water splashing.

I followed the crowd of girls to where it got steamier. We passed different rooms until finally, we arrived at a large door. The door pushed open and then there were so many different large pools. I noticed that many people kept their towels on, even inside the water. Well that's a relief, I wasn't really looking foreword to siting naked in the same space with a bunch of other naked people.

I took a step foreword, and that was when all the noisy girls suddenly spun around. I nearly fell over too.

"Why do you keep on stalking us?" One of the girls said loudly.

I backed away slowly. "U-Uh-"

"I mean," the girl continued, "you're so small that we barely noticed you, but seriously, why are you stalking us?"

"I-I was a little..." I squeaked, "lost."

"Ha!" Another girl snorted, "Lost my ass! It's so easy to navigate through a bath house when you live in a village! Seriously!"

"Well," I said defiantly, "I haven't been living in a village!"

The girls paused. "So... You're one of those wild country girls?"

"No!" I exclaimed, "What kind of cr-"

"Pft, well no wonder you're lost! A country girl wouldn't know village traditions!"

"I'm not a country girl!"

"You SO are-"

"Hey, you noisy people over there. Lay off the short girl, you peacock retards."

Who said that? It came from one of the pools of water.

"Kyaaa! The Kazekage's daughter!"

"Yeah, that's right. Buzz off. I swear, a flock of parrots aren't as annoying as you! Just get out of my sight."

"Come on, let's go!"

Ah, that's better. Wait... WHAT!? Kazekage's daughter? Then... Gaara's sister!? Crap! Crap! I turned to follow the running girls only something grabbed the back of my collar.

"I help you out and then you run from me?"

Whatever latched onto my cloths pulled me back, and in the next second, I had fallen backwards into burning water.

"Ahh...oops. Sorry."


I was still hiccoughing, ten minutes after being pulled into water. I wrapped my wet towel tighter around myself. I glared at the girl who was sitting across from me. I sunk my face half way into the water, still angrily glaring at the girl.

The girl was busy looking around the pool nonchalantly with green eyes. They were actually darker than Gaara's, more turquoise than green, and had a heck lot more life inside them. This girl's eyes didn't frighten me, I didn't fear this girl at all. In fact, I wanted to shout at her.

The girl met my eyes and raised an eye brow. "Still angry huh?"

"You're Gaara's sister, aren't you?"

The girl's casual, wry smile half melted off. "By blood, I guess. Do you know Gaara?"

"He tried to kill me."

"Ah..." The girl sighed, "he's like that. He's unstable."

"He's frightening."

"Right. Well, who're you? I haven't seen you before. From what those girls said, you're not from the villages right?"


"Well," the girl stretched and I looked away, "I'm Temari. I'm the Kazekage's daughter, though I hardly care. He's a weird kind of dad. What about yours?"


We ended up chatting for quite a while, although I didn't reveal my clan name. By the time the first awkward silence had settled, the rosy scent was making me light headed.

"Ah..." I looked at my hands, "I'm all wrinkled."

"Well what do you expect? You sit in water for hours, 'course you'll end up like an old woman," Temari snorted, "However, the water is specially designed to leave the scent behind on you. Gosh..." Temari sighed and ran a hand through her spiky blonde hair, "I've spent way too long in this bath. Dad's going to get upset..."

I thought of Orochimaru. "Well I can't get up," I pointed at my wet clothing hanging on the wall, "because my cloths are wet, thanks to you."

"I said I'm sorry," Temari sighed, "I'll go get you a new set to make it up to you, okay? I'll be gone for a second." Temari heaved herself up and I yelped. I skidded back and hit my head on the bamboo fence around the pool. "Eh?" Temari said in a panic, "What's wrong!?"

"PUT SOME CLOTHS ON!" I yelled, "Don't just get up naked! You know, you could have wrapped yourself in a towel!"

"What, like you?" Temari crossed her arms over her chest, "Only sissies wear their towels inside the pool. This is a bath, Rin. Naked people are a given here."


"I'm going to get you some dry cloths," Temari said dismissively, "you should get out soon, too."

I closed my eyes as Temari walked out of the water. When she was gone, I opened one eye, then the other. Safe... I got up slowly with my wet towel around and walked to a shelf where there were dry towels. I swapped and let my hair down. That felt good... A village bath is definitely better than a forest one, even though there are many noisy people. Noise is good for a lonely person....

I glanced down at my legs and twisted my head so I could see at the back. I frowned. I hated the ugly scars on the back of them. A single white streak outlined with faint red on each leg, sometimes it even felt like they were pulsing. They were from two years ago... When one of the ANBU attacked me... These scars are so bothersome, I'll never be able to where short clothing again, not if I didn't want people to see them. These scars were a really annoying (....painful?) reminder too... Because of my carelessness, Haru nearly got his arm broken on that day... He died because I couldn't dodge a single stupid attack. And Umi, she didn't have to try saving us if we didn't spar so far away from the hide-out. In fact, if they were alive, Umi might have been right here in this room. Haru would be in the men's bathing room, and he would emerge, complaining about how awkward it was in there. Then-

I shook my head. I can't think about it now. They're kind of... Dead now so... I blinked. Yeah, I should get back to my room.

A bundle of cloth hit me in the head. I pulled the fabric from my face and stared at the door way. Temari poked her head in.

"There you go, Rin. Enjoy your stay. My father has summoned me, according to my other brother, so I need to leave. Good night."

"Yeah," I smiled, "and thanks."

There are always new friends to make. And...I smiled. A family to go back to.

After the spiky-haired blonde left, I pulled the cloths over my wet hair. Something jingled. I looked down. Ah... My hand reached down my collar and I pulled out the necklace I had recorded from long ago. I never ever took it off. Sometimes... I even forgot it was there. I always keep it under my cloths.

It's late. I guess there's nothing left but to go back to my hotel room... On the way I actually passed those noisy girls from before. They were all chatting loudly, sitting and lounging around the pool. They paid me no attention. I smiled slightly. They look happy.

"Hey, country girl."

I froze. Then I slowly turned around. About twelve pairs of eyes were staring at me.


"Sorry about before."

Then the girls resumed their chatting as if nothing happened.

I breathed a sigh of relief. That wasn't too bad. I guess you can never judge a person by first impression.

When I arrived at my hotel room, Kabuto and Orochimaru still had not returned. It's getting late though, what are they doing? I better prepare for the night then. I dragged the cushions from the tea table and set them in a row. I lay determinedly on them. I'll survive...I'll survive...

A cold draft wet through the floor and I shivered. This...this is supposed to be a stupid desert village! Where do all the cold breezes come from!? I'm never going into that bed though... Not when I have to share a room with those two bastards...

....I ended up dragging the thick cloth on top of the tea table on top of my cushion bed. I'll survive...I'm gonna survive...

An image of Gaara's insane face popped up and I sat up. No. No no. I glanced at the window. I'm not going to have him creeping up on me. I shut the curtains tightly. That stupid I probably can't sleep tonight...

"You are thinking too hard," Ama said softly, "Gaara's father is the Kazekage. I am sure he knows to behave. If his father can restrain Shukaku from his rage, then he can definitely restrain Gaara. Go to bed, Rin."

Gaara... I frowned, "Ama."


"Those words I said to Gaara... I realized that I had those words spoken to me before."

There was a silence, so I continued.

"Um...maybe I should apologize, because saying those things... Make me a hypocrite, right Ama?"

"I think you will know the answer yourself. As of now, go to bed."

I took one last look at the closed curtains before sighing. Alright then... Keep a good watch, Ama. I crept under the tea table covering and rested my face on the cushions. Eh...the silence is unsettling. I can't sleep in this heaviness. Hey...sing me...that.

"Again? What are we, five?"

And you shut up, HokaNoJiko. You know nothing, you stupid masked bastard.

As HokaNoJiko finally shut up and Ama's quiet music started, I smiled.

That was better.

Third Person's POV

Rin woke up to a loud knocking. She groaned, dragging herself from under the tea table covering. She stumbled through the room and threw open the door. Outside, was a fully dressed Kabuto.

"What is it?" Rin said groggily, "What time..."

"Time to go," Kabuto leered, "hope you had a good rest in the room we specifically got for you, because we're leaving today."

"...already? But I don't even know why I was brought here... Wait a minute." Rin was suddenly very awake. "I had the, entire, room to myself?"

"You think Lord Orochimaru or I would want to be in the same bedroom as you?"

Rin tore at her hair, "I spent the night on the cold floor, waiting for you to return!"

"My my, how faithful," Kabuto sneered, "Hurry up Rin, we're going to meet at the entrance to the village,"

"Wait! Can you at least tell me why I was here in the first place!?"

Kabuto surveyed Rin coldly. He seemed to be considering something. "Here is not a good place to tell you. At best, we'll have to wait until we return to Oto."


Rin's hand grabbed Kabuto's sleeve. He slowly turned around coldly. "What. Is. It?"

Rin held her ground. "What are you planning?" She pressed on, "You and Orochimaru had been acting really strange. What are you planning?"

Kabuto shook his head, "Get your puny hand off of me Rin, I have no time for this."

Rin ran foreword, "Why you-"

"Don't," Kabuto threatened, "even think about acting up. Good day."

Kabuto yanked his arm out of Rin's reach and made a hand seal. The puff of smoke he left behind twirled around Rin's shocked face. That was so sudden, yet so angry... There was definitely something wrong.

The most Rin did in this village was fight a psychotic boy and take a bath in a fancy hotel. So...why was Rin's presence so important if she was not asked to do anything significant?


Twenty minutes later, eight people gathered at the entrance of the village.

The Kazekage. Baki. The Sand Siblings

Orochimaru. Kabuto. Rin.

Temari started foreword. "Huh? What're you doing here, Rin!? Don't tell me... You're the one that was talked about in the meeting?"

"What meeting?" Rin spun around to glare at Kabuto, "Nobody told me anything."

The Kazekage stared reproachfully at Orochimaru, "You did not say anything?"

"What?" Rin demanded, "Did not say what?"

The adults looked between each other. Rin glanced at Temari. From the blonde's expression, she knew not too much of what was being implied, just like Rin. All the kids were just as clueless as the adults were knowing.

"I decided to wait until we arrived back," Orochimaru nodded, "We should leave. I have preparations to make too: a lot of shinobi to train."

Rin looked at Orochimaru with confusion, then at the Kazekage. Finally, her eyes fell on the cold green ones of Gaara. She suddenly remembered what she told herself the other day. However, when Gaara's distant eyes met Rin's, they burned dangerously and Rin hesitated. She said many mean things... Some anger was only natural.

"Well," Kabuto said pleasantly, "we should take our leave now. Thank you for having us. See you in three weeks. Come on, Rin."

Rin looked like she was about to follow, but she suddenly headed to the opposite direction.

Gaara stiffened as Rin approached him.

Rin hurried to Gaara. She ignored everyone's stares and awkwardly raised a hand. Her eyes hesitantly raised themselves to Gaara's. She started foreword.

"Uh...about yesterday, I would like to say I am s-"

Gaara's hand went up from his side and into the air.

His fingers throbbed from how hard he had made contact.

Rin stumbled. Her shoulder stung where Gaara had hit her back. The force of the hit had pushed her two feet.

"Don't come near me," Gaara hissed.

Rin rubbed her shoulder. "What?"

"The very sight of you," Gaara growled, "makes me want to be sick. Get out of my sight."

Rin stared. Her eyes slowly softened sadly. Then they hardened. "Well... If it is like that..." Rin turned to where her companions were waiting, "Let's go."

Kabuto chuckled, "About time."


Rin sat in her room. They had arrived back in Oto just two days ago. That was more than a week since they left Suna. Yet... Rin kept on thinking about Gaara. He hated her too much. They don't even have any connection, so why did he have to say such hurting words?

Rin scoffed under her breath. Not only did Gaara scare her, she hated his stupid eyes. They accused her. And they were green. Of all colors, they had to be green.

Rin threw a kunai into her bedroom wall just as the door opened. Kabuto and Orochimaru stepped inside.

Rin raised an eyebrow. They hardly ever came into her room. Usually, someone else was sent to get Rin of the "Lord" of this place wanted to speak to Rin. Rin's face turned sour. What an honor.

"Don't sport such a rude expression," Kabuto chided, "We're here to reassure you of something."

"How kind of you."

"Rin," Kabuto warned, "Anyways. In Sunagakure, we did not reveal your clan name."

Rin blinked. That actually WAS a relief.

"Not only for you," Kabuto continued, "but for us, it is also very convenient for you to go about as a normal person."

Rin stiffened, "What are you trying to tell me?"

Kabuto smiled coldly. His eyes glinted behind his glasses. "If things go as planned, and you behave, our Uchiha Rin can return to Konoha."

Rin froze.

"And there, you will help us in its own destruction."




Happy New Year ;)

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