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Er... Not sure if this chapter is over-dramatic or not, but it's always how I imagined it.

I do not own Naruto. I own any original OC's, jutsu, and original plot-lines. This story is copyrighted.

PLEASE READ: So...Next Thursday I will be leaving for a country on vacation! And guess what? Wattpad doesn't frigging work there. Yeah, I know. How stupid. I'm not sure if I can update again, so I decided to update early with a nice chapter. I won't be able to write for two months, and I kind of want to leave it here (you'll see why when you read to the end) anyways. On July 31st, I will be back!



Sasuke woke up with a start, only to find himself in some weird place. Grey metallic walls, and a low-to-high ceiling with one single hanging lamp. What the heck?

And he was lying against a wall. Sasuke slowly stood up. How did he get here? Why? The last thing he remembered was-

An image of a familiar frightened face jolted in Sasuke's mind.

"Shit!" He looked around. How to get out? There were virtually no exits. No windows, no air vents. Just... Metallic walls. Sasuke made hand seals. He would simply need to-


Nothing happened. Sasuke tried activating his sharingan. That didn't happen either. Where was he?

"So you're awake..." Sasuke turned his head. One section of the wall opened and someone walked in. The person slammed the door behind him, and it melted back, seemingly becoming part of the wall again, "chakra doesn't work here, so you better stop trying."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "What am I doing here?"

"Because I was concerned you would attempt to escape and, oh, I don't know, set fire to another inn," the guest blinked a single hooded eye, "And besides, what way is this to talk to your Sensei?"

"What do you want?" Sasuke growled, "I need to go somewhere."

"To set another inn on fire, let me guess," Kakashi said sarcastically, "and look for a certain girl?"

"How did you-"

"I happen to know a lot more than you think," Kakashi walked up to Sasuke, "we need to talk. And please, try not to blow up something in the process."


"Hey, you."

Ino turned. She clasped her gloved hands over her apron, "Why, if it isn't forehead-girl. To what do I deserve the honor of having your giant forehead sliding into my shop?"

"Save it for later Ino," Sakura rolled her eyes, "I'm not here to fight."

"I heard you got hurt," Ino scowled, "how are you discharged from the hospital already? Didn't you get cut or something?"

"There was an accident," Sakuda said easily, "but the medics here are good; a simple cut was nothing for the medics. They just had to clean it, knock me out, and bam, it's healed: no scar. Medics are amazing."

"Er yeah, interesting life story. But why are you here?"

"To buy a flower, duh."

Ino wiggled her eyebrows, "Is it... For Sasuke-kun?"

"I don't even know where he is right now!" Sakura protested, "And besides... Do you remember Akira from the Chuunin Exams?"

"Um... That puny etiquette boy?"

"He doesn't have etiquette," Sakura assured, "he used to speak like that just to try to make us go away. But yep, that's him. He got seriously injured."

(Book the Third) Crimson Hatred in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now