Chapter 36- Her childhood crush!

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3rd person's pov.

Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person.

Love is something that is cultivated between two people and grows over time, through getting to know him or her and experiencing life's many ups and downs together. It involves commitment, time, mutual trust, and acceptance.

Love is when there is a willingness to prioritize another's well-being or happiness above your own.

Love is an extreme feelings of attachment, affection, and need. It is a dramatic, sudden feelings of attraction and respect. It is also a fleeting emotion of care, affection, and like.

In the end, real love always lasts forever. Indeed, the couple, Nuska and Zaid's love will last forever.

"Nuska, wake up dear. It's time for Fajr prayers", Zaid tried waking her up but as usual it was a tough job for him.

"Nuska, wake up" Zaid said stroking her hair.

"Okay", She mumbled.

"Devil, if you dont wake up now, I will be one step ahead of you in Jannah and then we won't be able to meet and stay together." He told her gently.

This time she opened her eyes. Thankfully, this worked out to him.

He sighed and got off the bed to take wudu while she stretched herself lazily on bed and got up.

She rubbed her eyes, yawning.

Sleep is her first love and no one can change that. *laughs*

She wanted to go back to sleep again but decided not to because if she lie down now she will never be able to get up again.

She got off from the bed and took her phone from the bed side table.

There was a message from an unknown number but before she could check what it was, Zaid came out of the bathroom so she kept her phone away and decided to check it later.

"Woah! Sleepy head, I thought you would have gone back to sleep but it seems like you didn't. You love me so much that you don't want to miss me in Jannah too" Zaid said winking.

"Don't get your hopes high Mr.Zaid. I woke up so that you will not miss me in Jannah because I know you love me a lot" She smirked .

"Both sounds same" He chuckled and spread the prayer mat on the floor.

"Nope, it doesn't" she hit him playfully on his arm.

"Well ma'am, what you said is right. You are always right, sweetheart. Now go and take wudu and come back soon. I will be waiting for you " He kissed her forehead while she frowned.

"Whatever. I know I am always right" She commented and left to take wudu.

After 5 minutes, She joined Zaid and they started their prayers. As usual Zaid led the prayer and she was stunned by his melodious voice.

She loved his recitals and she even insisted him to upload his recitals in YouTube and he did. His voice was indeed loved by all and MaShaAllah he earned a quiet a lot of fans in a small span of time.

Once they completed their prayers, they started reciting the Qur'an which they loved doing.

They recited for an hour and Zaid even taught her meanings of few Surahs which she listened very carefully.

Time passed on quickly and they went off to have a wash one by one.

Nuska as usual went in first to have a wash, while Zaid ordered breakfast for them and within no time, it arrived.

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