Chapter 26- My annoying friends.

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Nuska's pov

"Mrs. Zaid, wake up" someone shouted in my ears.

Ya Allah, who is shouting!

"Nuska, wake up"

I am definitely going to punish this person for waking me up this early.

"Nuska, your Zaid is here" some familiar voice spoke and just as the words registered in my innocent brain I opened my eyes and sat up abruptly.

"Good, now go and have a wash"

I was shocked to see my friends in my room already settled.

"Who gave you guys permission to come inside my room?" I asked raising my eyebrows, still in sleepy mood.

"Zaid" Raiha replied.

"Like seriously? Let me sleep some more" I said and lied down again.

"NUSKA, WAKE UP NOW" Farrah screamed.

"SHUT UP" I screamed again and was about to go back to sleep when Sadiya started tickling me.

"Its already 12 pm and you still want to go back to sleep. Get up or else we are going to tell Zaid about this" Farrah threatened me.

"He already knows and don't you dare talk about him hereafter because everything is over" I Said getting up from the bed.

"Over? Nope it isn't" Aaminah spoke.

"Let me have a wash first and then I will tell you about everything. Then you can decide whether is it over or not" I replied and entered the bathroom to have a wash.


"How dare he kiss you?" It was Raiha questioning.

Once I was came out of the bathroom fully cleaned and once I completed my Salah I told them the whole story of what happened in this one and half month.

"Because she is his wife" Farrah replied to Raiha.

"Just because she is his wife he has no right to kiss her. Nuska, you could have slapped him, right?" Raiha spoke annoyed.

"He just kissed her forehead and did nothing else. What is your problem?" Farrah argued back.

"But he told that he doesn't like her, then how can he kiss her?" Raiha yet again argued.

"His feelings might have changed" Farrah replied back.

"Raiha and Farrah, if you dont stop this now I am going to slap you so quit the talk." I said to shut their mouth.

Like seriously? Are they arguing about a kiss?

"That kiss was not a problem at all and these idiots are arguing about that" Mariyam slapped Raiha's arm, jokingly.

"Exactly" Hafsa too agreed.

"Getting back to the main question. Nuska, why didnt you ask him whether he loves you on the day you came back home" Sadiya questioned.

"How do you expect me to ask him when he had already rejected me. Note the point, very rude rejection.
And if he loves me he would have told me" I said, controlling my tears which was threatening to fall.

But I wish I could ask him one more time...

"Do you still love him?" Hafsa asked.

I wanted to say no but that would be like lying to myself.

"Yes, I love him" My tears spilled out of my eyes and I didnt care.

"Nuska, its okay. We will talk to him" Sadiya tried comforting me.

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