If The Heart Yearns Fix It P4

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4 years ago on Earth Andy led Bloom to a nativity program and one of the cathedrals in Gardenia with her parents.

"Huh?" She gasped Upon the gate was this quote

How cool is that the Lord your Maker who created the Mountains, and oceans, and galaxies and looked at you and thought that the world needed one of you too?

We are God's treasure; his chosen treasure in his eyes even people who are looked up as trash by others. Love his sheep. One day the wolf lamb and lion will not harm one another. Choose joy. Forgive move forward and be refreshed with peace and grace and mercy.

Bloom looks at the fake coin in her hands and she walked up to the person dressed as a beggar and she dropped in all in... She didn't need a souvenir the verse was enough to tell her there'll be mine for her in her days and years to come.

Christmas magic is silent
You don't hear it,
You feel it
You know it and you believe it's always true
St. Nick I will honor you by putting my friends in front of me and my own needs right now as you did for others years ago who didn't even know you.

"Enough with the arguing it stops now if I take lead role back. Forgive and move on. Give those gifts to your friends." Bloom scolds the others moving a step forward. "Life is a weight scale testing us for whether we're willing to hold onto somethings so silly like this back and forth arguing between the four of you. Or whether we can let go and trust our friends enough to save and catch us when we stumble."

The others stared straight face 😐 and also confused 🤷‍♀️ right back at her.

"This is the darkness that malice Valtor brought to the already considerably dark castle of Cloudtower," Bloom says. "Lockette can't find anything because you're arguing is messing up her signal. She's been so brave holding it together especially when I lost all of you to your own problems when Darkar made me go insane the year before. Lockette was great help in a small package. I  would trust her Frieda and everyone else I barely know over the three of you. Take a moment to talk with each other yell and scream I don't care but we're not walking beside you till you're ready to go." Bloom says and her dragon fire sparks it passes Lillian, Mirta and Musa and Frieda but it covered Flora, Aisha and Stella with their pixies with them.

"Mirta do you mind stay behind just to make sure they make up for good and nothing attacks them."

Mirta shook her head, "not at all. Bloom sticking them into the exact same cage would be exactly what Faragonda or Griffin would have done, Bloom. But take Zing with you if you need to venture into Cloudtower she's knows it better than anyone else Bloom."

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