Musuem of Magix P4

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"What did I miss?" asked Tecna.

"They're both attacking hard with their dragons and we don't want anyone to get hurt." Flora informs.

"Well you can tell 'em to quit it; because I found the answer with a little help." Tecna states.

"Frieda, Bloom that's enough. Tecna found the answer," Flora spoke.

"You did?" inquires Bloom.

"Yes," Tecna replies.

"Spill," says Frieda.

"It's the Legend of the Water Stars," Tecna responds.

The other girls looked completely perplexed. Then Tecna's phone dinged just as a small wind rider appeared.

It was none other than Prince Charming himself.

"Bloom," Sky spoke. "I'm so sorry about that whole thing. I couldn't think straight. My heart didn't agree with the words my voice formed."

"I know you were under the influence of dark magic, but Sky you could get better with fighting it off. Riven's fought Dark magical mind controlling spells off so has Ace. I forgive you for what happened on Eraklyon but I'm not ready to be your girlfriend again just yet. I'm tired of saving your skin. Every new year it's an old chapter. I'm not your life saver. Someday I'll be the one in trouble and this one sided relationship has got to stop between us. Now please get back to Red Fountain before Saladdin called into detention Prince Sky." 

"Bloom did you really mean all that?" inquires Stella worried, "He's your ideal Prince Charming."

Bloom ignored Stella's comment by replying. "No comment, Stella."

"Bloom, I uh."

"Get out Sky, I don't wanna talk right now," Bloom replies.

"You need to give her some space besides we cannot stay and chit chat any longer Prince Charming. We have a mission in Magix."

"Where is it Tecna?" asked Frieda.

"The Magix Museum," says Tecna.

"Then come on let's go," Aisha said.

"Bus to Magix city has arrived here leaving 20 minutes."

Sky caught Bloom's hand her right arm more specifically.

"Seriously let go Sky; you're too clingy sometimes. We can talk later as friends not girlfriend boyfriend. I have too much on my mind to let romance cloud my mind, Prince."

"Bloom we gotta go the bus is leaving in ten minutes," Musa calls to me. Bloom yanked herself out of Sky's grip and ran to Musa.

"Didn't you miss me, Bloom?" He asked.

"Those are words I could never utter for it would make my pain painfully real, Prince Sky the bus slammed shut in front of him.

"You did the right thing Bloom standing your ground. That was smart putting him back in his place where he belongs. The nerve people guys boyfriends especially think they can walk all over their girls. So what are we looking for?"

"Something called the Avelor box?" asked Stella. "I think it was wrong to push Sky away like that so quickly Bloom."

"Bloom's allowed to make her own choices Stella," Tecna replies. "And it's called the Agdore box for your information and no it can't increase spells. It can contain some of the most dangerous spells in the magical universe my friends."

Sky as he rode his way back to Red Fountain. He passed a hover bike with two people on it.

"Woohoo, Ophir that's close enough," Lillian responds.

"You're nuts, Lillian."

"Lillian what is going on with Bloom? She said she didn't want to be my girlfriend anymore."

"You're a Prince I'm not your sister ot your mother or your father. You figure out what makes her so upset with you. You're not a noodle head Sky. I know that. Now excuse me we have got to get to Magix city asap."

"Who is this?" asked Sky.

"The name's Ophir Prince Sky," Nabu responds. "See you around I guess." They went on the bus too. The Red Fountain Wind Rider shrank and became smaller in the wave magic and was a charm hanging from Nabu's staff.

"That's so weird. The girls are acting like I don't care about them," Sky sighs.

"Perhaps that's because you made feel that badly Prince Sky." Griselda points out through words. "The girls suffered through a lot because of what went through with you. Bloom was already struggling when Valtor took hold of you. He's been attacking Ace lately. I think you need to stop and apologize to your teammates. Riven's been leading the Specialists currently.
Tecna was asked to lead the Winx Club by Aisha and Bloom. It's that bad. You brought Bloom's courage and strength quite low. Lillian helped her recover it back on Earth. But you have got to stop falling victim to those stupid easy to break through spells. If Riven fought Darcy's spell a year ago and won himself back you could have done the same with Valtor if you've tried."

"Thanks Griselda you're not half as bad as people say," adds Sky.

"I don't know about that, Prince Sky of Eraklyon."  Griselda states. "But Red Fountain Academy awaits you Sky. I would never want to keep Cordtorta and Saladdin away from welcoming their best student back into the I'm sure."

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