Cleaning Up Loose Ends

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Radius''s Pov
Solaria sun was shining brighter than it has in the last two months.
The Winx were welcomed back to the palace with great estatic joy. Stella hugs Ellie.

"Thank you for risking everything to keep my father alive. There's alot to cancel that Cassandra brought up."

"I believe I can help your father will undoing some of that stuff." Embelia spoke. "With a little help Lillian from your boyfriend."

Lillian blushes.

"No, I'll help you it's better if I practice this stuff myself. Ace is not used to royal work or discussions."

"Girls it's Faragonda," Ace spoke. "Solaria has returned."

"I'm glad to hear that Ace," said Faragonda. "Based on your powers Bloom with Frieda I want you to both go to Pyros. Radius will send you from Solaria. Frieda will meet you there."

"Pyros?" asked Stella.

"The island of dragons designed for fairies with attachements to dragon fire types of magic to test their abilities's control over them. The dragons are wild and fierce and treacherous. Lillian and you were both there once. It is where the Cloud dragon gave you a single drop of its essence. Both on you being one with the skies the island would recognize you."

"I think Ace should go with you girls just to be safe," Lillian spoke. "I have had enough of dragons for awhile besides you wanted to do research on that snake egg you collected from the Omega Dimension."

"Actually it's not a snake egg anymore it's hatched and Alice made it a huge ice cavern. It's not trained yet. We don't have a fairy of reptiles or animals yet at Alfea. It's one of the last of its kind this one is female and quite protective."

Meanwhile below in the courtyard.... Bloom vs Tecna.

"All right Tecna hit me with your best shot."

"You asked for it!" Tecna spoke up. "Electrical surge!"

"Dragonflame sphere orb!" Bloom conjures.

"Wow. That's stronger than usual for Tecna," said Aisha.

"Tecna is way more than what she seems."

"Flora you should take the leadership spot."

"No." Flora says. "You both know I'm only glued to peacemaking I cannot be a leader it's not my niche."

"This is not gonna get old is it Lillian?" I asked. "How did you decided who leads your group?"

"Mirta she was the most experienced she was the best for the job but she chose me. She thought I embodied more realistic morals that people would be more akin to listen too. " Lillian spoke. "That is how I became the Mystics leader."

"Aisha's had more experience than any of us even before she came to Alfea."

"Bloom you know the group better their strengths their weaknesses twice as much as I do."

"Aisha stop it I'm not changing my mind if you don't want the role give Tecna or Musa a chance. Ouch!" Bloom fell on the ground. Lillian rushes over to her.

"Fine Tecna you be leader now," Musa says. "I don't want the job anyways. I already have to deal with Riven being Captain of your boyfriends what an argument that might actually start."

"Oh no don't even look at me; Princess is hard enough," I say shaking my head. "I'm so not leadership material."

"Okay fine first thing first Stella we have unfinished business." Tecna spoke. "The cyclists."

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