Cinderella Absolutely Not

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Lillian's Pov
September 1st a month after my Father left for Andros. Tears streamed down my pale face. I didn't think anything could get worse. I clasped the pendant hidden beneath my blue shirt. Today was my 13th birthday and no one would be celebrating it with me. That's for sure. I stare at the mirror. My dusty cream blonde hair hung in smooth waves extending till the waistline.
I sighed. My lavender eyes shift to the sundial reflected in the mirror. 5:30. Only 30 minutes to myself. I take the stretchy thing off my left wrist and wrapped it around my hair so that now I had a cute side ponytail. I was still in my PJs. I went over to my dresser. I pulled out a casual sky blue blouse and beige brown colored skirt. The windows were thrown open in the small house's attic. I smile. I hold my closely tightly. My last posessions. The only things Chimera wouldn't touch. My clothes. They smell of dirt, dust, ash, and lavender leaves. We kept lavender leaves by big holes in the attic because there use to be scorpions here nearby. Chimera doesn't like lavender anyway. It disgusted her. My window and the garden window two floors below looked outward towards the Palace of Solaria. I had never ever been allowed to step inside. But I knew it was wonderful. The sun shines upon my face. My heart feels as if it has been squeezed. Daring, taunting me to just take the drapes off the window, and drop down and run. The sun makes my skin glow brightly vibrant and if some else were in the room they would say I'm glowing so that I'm blinding. Chimera and her mother hate me for two reasons. One, I'm always at ease and two beauty is showered upon me unlike them indeed.

"The Sky is awake!"

I heard the song of the doves that flew from Radius' aviary. I stretched out my hand with bird seed in it and they landed delighted by the offer of the snack.

Two Robin's see the bird seed on the sill and a pair of bluebirds also join them. I going behind my shade humming with the harming of the birds.

All of the sudden a sun owl lifts my clothes off the table. I throw off my Pajamas and the other birds leave it in the wash basket.

"Thank you," I spoke delightly to the owl winking as he hoots. I pet him on the head. He hoots again.

"Dreaming yes, I was of course," I speak back. "Dreaming. I couldn't say."

The birds twittered and I laugh with decent friendliness. "A dream comes true when you have faith it will and work for it but it's not wise to tell all details of the dream. Come on friends we've got work to do."

There were no words. I had always learnt to walk with and listen to the Voice of Mother Nature. No! Wait don't go! This is not another Cinderella story!"

"Yeah sure thanks."

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