Trapped Inside

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Bloom's Pov

"Bloom I would slow down if I were you if you destroy me you destroy your parents."


It was again like being slapped in the face. The words of the Legendary Lost seeping back inside my mind.

"You're a reincarnation of the evil that the ancient ancestors predicted."

That was the Trix who tricked her first.
Come follow me I'll help you find what you seek a chance to find a chance to rescue your parents Bloom- Shadowclone

The second deceitful decision I never paid heed to but this time Daphne had been sending me visions in my dreams of Valtor's previous life and how deceitful they were to her.

But no one else knew where or what happened to her birth parents did they?

I froze losing Sky was enough to bring me down to an unsteady unstable foundation losing the possibility of finding my parents worst thing ever.

Will I never stop being taunted by my enemies of my past? Will my dreams never be answered? Would I ever find a home or am I cursed to wander forever never living a normal life?
What then am I doing in the Magic Dimension if I just don't belong now right?

"Bloom sweetie are you okay?" asked Flora.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I inquired.

"I was just trying to he-" Flora's voice drown out. I didn't want to hear it anymore anyways.

"He's gone up and fled," Musa replies. "He probably used that as a  trick to get away. Bloom you know he's always lying. The Trix disappeared."

"Go find them and stop them," Aisha says.

"My cousin she's trapped at the bottom of the ocean," Frieda spoke.

"I'll come with you Frieda." Aisha volunteers. "I know my way round the oceans."

"It's most likely a trick Bloom," Tecna says.

"He wants you to lose confidence, Bloom." Stella said.

"Bloom there's no such thing as that spell I was there at the battle of Domino." Frieda spoke. "Your parents are not inside him. I would know."

"I'm not sure I believe anything anyways anymore reality is confusing to me." I spoke running off towards the Magic Archive where it was safe place at Alfea to protect me and everyone I cared about I went in. Unnoticed tears fell from my eyes and fear gnawing at me in the back between  me and the door. I had given Aisha charge over the Winx currently.

You are destined to become a true fairy to be controlled by the Ancestral Witches Bloom that's your fate you'll destroy everything you touch call you a monster.

"No. They won't because it's already happened years later in my dimension Bloom I'm your twin little sister Blaze. "

I gasped at the image in my mind.

"Valtor is an uncle a step uncle but uncle and family nonetheless sister."

Que Que na to ra

Listen with your heart you will understand
Listen with your heart you will understand child
Let it break upon you like a wave upon the sand
Let it break upon you like a wave upon the sand.

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