The Riding School

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Lillian's Pov
I could hardly wait what my father had signed me and Chimera up for.

"Daddy can we open our eyes yet?" asked Chimera.

"Yay, can we?" I inquired.

"Just a few minutes more, girls we're almost there darlings." A gentleman's gentle voice rang out through the darkness." Jason my father responds. "Each of you take my hand keep your eyes closed no peeking children. I know where you're going."

We listened and we finally heard neighing and whining in front of us.

"Open your eyes daughters."

"Sunlight Meadows Riding Stables Father you shouldn't have."

"Lillian's right you really shouldn't have done this it's such a prestigious riding school."

"Your mother and I are so busy at the palace I wanted you both to have some quality fun time." Jason adds.

"Good morning Count Jason are these your daughters I have heard so much about?"

"Yes, Ms. Fields," Jason says.

"I'm actually his step-daughter," informs Chimera.

"Chimera please lay off with the stupid tiles for a moment relax and have fun."

"I don't know anything about horses Lillian," sighs Chimera.

"You don't need to we're here to learn. That's why it's a school."

"Indeed she's right," said a girl dark red hair wraps around her shoulders. "I'm Ms. Fields daughter Rachel but most people call me Race."

"That's unique," I spoke. "Are you?"

"Blind from birth no cure," says Rachel. "As much as I would love to see again."

"How can a blind girl ride a horse without falling off?" asked Chimera.

"Chimera watch your manners." Jason scolded.

"Yes, Father I'm sorry about that," She says decently. Her eyes softened suddenly and I was surprised. She's missing something.

Some relationships fall others reconnect and sometimes people you're already met never told their full stories afraid of what one would think of them even more afterwards that truth is leaked.

It hurts it hurts so bad as much as I hated Chimera for mistreating I couldn't blame her. I had a feeling I know deep inside what caused her to be wicked and cold. I had feared she was almost lost in her own life and world wanting little of her mother's desires tired of the way her mother made her live in fear completely.

"Follow me these way Chimera and Lillian it's time for the horses to choose who they let ride them."

"It's good to see you again Jason," spoke Rachel's mother.

"As it is to see you Area," responds Jason. "I'm hoping Lillian can fix whatever is going on with Chimera."

"I sense a deep darkness a hurt in Chimera Jason I doubt it will be a long time before the light reveals itself to hurt." Area states back. "She'll be rotten before she becomes heroine just like Icy Stormy and Darcy three witches sisters rumored to be the strongest of the witches in the recent years."

"I know and with these four dark powers rising light will be needed to understand them finally as Daphne did that girl on Domino just a few years ago."

"You are aware you will be called on again you're one of the most powerful warrior wizards since Oritell rose to glorious powers and victory."

"My powers come from my good lineage Area nothing else and I cannot boast of my accomplishments the fairies do a lot of the dirty work and sometimes thanks to the witches we find out something is amiss."

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