Surviving the Impossible

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Frieda's Pov
I understand Lillian's immediate ability to listen to Bloom but I was still somewhat confused as to why we had to split up protecting Faragonda's Magic Eye was a strong motive I had forgotten it was a magical object still in Alfea Academy. We had already lost Griffin's into Valtor's control when Valtor took Cloudtower as his place of hiding. The tension hung. Bloom and I would only have an hour to stay standing strong. I wondered how Stella was neither one of us had seen her condition currently only Ace seems to know that state of her situation."

Meanwhile Stella looks at Alfea getting ready to participate upset she could not help because of her careless recklessness. She should have waited for Tecna to instruct her. Poor Bloom facing a task this huge now. The chances for Alfea look so slim." She speaks.

"You're up," Ace spoke. "I usually assume you would be asleep for ours after someone attacked you that violently."

"That's just it Ace no one attacked me I attacked myself and my friends," Stella spoke covering jer face in her hands the tears unwilling to halt. It's my fault Tecna, Musa, and Aisha are still trapped. I feel awful."

"Hey, it's okay Princess Stella."

"Ace please don't call me Princess it's an insult when I feel this upset I should know better as a Princess but I didn't think I just did it. I'm so stupid. I'm exactly what my kingdom says I'm a mess waiting to happen a walking royal disaster."

"Stella stop; for one thing I'm not giving up on you that easily Lillian didn't. You're safe here and I promise you when Valtor's finished we can give the Trix the fright of their life right now you need to let me heal you. Your friend Flora needs your help with something."

"I cannot Ace I cannot use my magic right now. It's too unstable too dangerous with my emotions. I'm sorry. But I'm afraid I cannot help you or the Winx here. If Brandon was here."

"Stella the hardest way is that path which you walk along. But it's the one that makes you stronger in the end. Be patient be practical like Lillian says every so often. Search for the light and follow it through Princess Stella of Solaria please. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Try to move forward from your mistakes.
The past will always hurt Stella
Aisha, Musa, me and you know all about that.
Aisha's had parents she loved but her father had a hard time expressing love and affection allowing her to be freely herself.
She survived who's to say you are restricted Stella?"

He would not begin his work until the Princess of Solaria was 100% sure she wanted to be healed herself. He had to make sure for Faragonda's sake the young girl was still as sane as she could be currently. Stella did not respond this was unlike her she had a response to everything and was so lively around others.

"Musa's been through a lot too. We know she lost her mother at a very young age Stella. Can't you see everyone else here is somewhat similar because we have been to the same place in just a different network of pathways. Even I have been there Princess Stella." Ace replies. Stella's only response was to cringe at being called a Princess yet again it was as if Ace was trying to annoy her to get her give in and heal her. She was being stubborn but she was more stubborn than a mule could be.

"Stella I know you have been through a rough time," Ace sighs. "You lost your first true friend at a very young age. You had your parents divorce before you started at Alfea Academy
You've been bullied to the brink your first year.
You helped others despite what others say about you doing so.
You stood strong in the heat of adversity when Chimera and Cassandra moved you to anger about stealing your kingdom.
You accepted Lillian as one of your trustworthy civilians and a member of nobility. You've grown Stella you've shown you're not a petty princess to your father. Now you have to see yourself in that way and climb."

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