Flashes Through The Past

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Flashback Lillian's POV
I sat at the table with Chimera we were eating ice cream.

"How are you Father?" asked Chimera.

"Yes, how are you? How was work?" I asked.

"Stressed out daughters," Jason said. "The king should have thought about of those rules he installed. I have been spending hours correcting his mistakes in laws and legislation."

"I wish young ladies like us could help solve problems," I sighed.

"Yeah, what is the deal with princesses and princes being great at everything but when it comes to nobility or commoners women or young ladies get that short stick and the dirtiest of jobs."

"I don't believe that's the case. And Lillian's mother never believed that was the case either." Jason spoke.

"But my Mom always says girls are a curse," Chimera spoke.

"Your mother was probably raised in a house full of mostly men and when that happens the opinions and thoughts of others cloud and stay stuck in your head and it never leaves. Let me tell you a story about girls twin sister who were just as curious as you two." states Jason.
Twin Sisters can be found on Youtube.

The two of them were very curious to hear about this story.

The Twin Sisters

A long time ago in a village there lived a farmer with his twin daughters, Leena and Nancy. He loved them dearly and he would play with them. He would teach them to study and all kinds of things. People of the village too were  fond of the two polite, kind girls. But when they grew a little older and when they became about ten years old, something changed.

"Hey, Mari, come out to play," The two girls invited one of their friends. "We found a whole new tree with fresh apples in the forest today."

"Really?" asked Mari. "No, I can't come."

"Why not?" The other two inquired.

"My mother won't let me," said Mari.

"Mari is not going anywhere," Mari's mother responds. "Leena and Nancy you must stop this nonsense of playing with boys. Girls are supposed to look pretty and learn cooking, and cleaning. Not play around in forests and get dirty!"

"But forest has plenty of learning opportunities," Chimera said. "I wanna be able to climb mountains eventually."

"And getting dirty is doing your body a favor," I add. "It boosts your immune system. Those who eat things that are dirty are often blessed with not so much sickness as those who don't bother risking it."

"You're both right but you girls yourself may meet more people like this someday in the future. Of course no one is as bad as Cassandra is at being a mother."

"I don't really wanna talk about my mother continue the story please?" pleads Chimera.

"As you wish Chimera," Jason laughs. "Leena and Nancy replies were both:  What?! But----?!"

"Oh, it's not your fault," Mari's mother sighed. "I must speak to your father about this."

Nancy and Leena walked off sadly and very confused. They came to another friend's house.

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